MovieChat Forums > Blade Runner 2049 (2017) Discussion > Eventually it will be removed from canon...

Eventually it will be removed from canon.

Not that there can ever be a Blade Runner franchise, the first film was an accidental masterpiece, and it invented a genre, so to do anything after it will just be ordinary because so many films already bother everything from Blade Runner.


I hate when films are bothering from Blade Runner!


Nothing you said actually made an argument of why it would be removed from canon. Especially since nothing about it needs to be removed from it.


because it's a terrible movie.


LOL according to who? You? Sorry thats not a real answer. The film was made by the same people who made the first one. It will stay canon because yeah its canon regardless how some guy on the internet feels about it.


ok fanboy.


LOL did you just call me a 'fanboy' for stating the obvious? What are you 12? You didn't personally like the movie, noted, that doesn't mean it won't be canon. I mean, grow up.


According to TRUE fans :-P
But seriously, this movie is crap and it's superfluous. Since there are discrepancies with BR1982 it's quite easy to only dismiss.


Again just because YOU don't like it doesn't mean its getting removed from canon. Thats like suggesting TLJ is getting removed from Star Wars canon because some fans hated it. This is a silly argument. You didn't like the film, noted, its part of canon. YOu can certainly ignore it, especially since there are only two films lol.


It's quite easy to only dismiss.

Canon: what is it good for? Retroactively reaching consensus about fictional motivations of fictional characters? Tell you what son: I've just written down that every movie, play, book or videogame ever made was just Bobby Ewing's dream in a shower. That's canon now. (Until a new opinion formes)


I might be missing something, but I thought canon had to be bound to its own universe.


not how cannon works champ, try again.


This response was beyond illogical.


What we have here so far is a Terminator situation. First movie is a masterpiece, sequel wasn't necessary, not as good, but gorgeous and enjoyable nonetheless. Now when they get to making 3,4,5... and then get to retconning and starting over, yeah, this might get removed from "canon". If Ridley gets his way and they cross over over with the Alien franchise, it will all be bananas from theron out.


except this film wasn't gorgeous or enjoyable.


The difference being though those Terminator films were hated by critics and audiences and were made by completely different people minus Arnold. BR 49 was a critical darling and had the backing of the original director. In fact it probably only got made because of Ridley Scott, unlike the Terminator sequels where Cameron had zero to do with them. So its not the same.


I think the BR universe is a bit more fleshed out and easier to make new content in , than the Terminator time travel business


Amazing, everything you just said was wrong.


Put this assclown on IGNORE


Whose in charge of wether its cannon or not?


The viewer. That's why we have fast forward buttons and trash cans and wallets that close.
