4th Monday - 4M

Now that's a healthy amount of money for day 25, especially considering BP earned slightly more (4.7M) a week before. Usually movies drop 50%, this ain't even a 20% drop.


Spring breaks have given it a boost.


Not nationally for the USA.

But both BP and A:IW should benefit from some Spring Break action. Spring Break is kind of staggered across the calendar.

Have you recovered from the inopportune BP poor performance predictions? Do you still feel that hype and expectations hurt BP, Disney and Marvel?

Do you still think the investment by Marvel into BP was a poor investment?


I never said BP was a "poor investment".

Get a grip. I said expectations were running too high. I was clearly wrong but I was only going on past MCU performance.

I DO think the standard performance for MCU films will return for Infinity War. Just like Bill Brown has predicted...big opening weekend but steep drops thereafter.


I'll have to find your posting of comparative performance based on production dollars (investment) spent. The gist was that Disney/Marvel financial success was poor as compared to Universal's. I believe you were using Get out and some other movie to try and make your point?

[–] QueenFanUSA (606) a month ago
Hey here's a little something that isn't "identical" about Wonder Woman and Black Panther...the budget.


149 million for WW

200+ million for Black Panther
It wasn't this post but quite a few others where you have decried the budgets of Disney/Marvel and the lack of a high percentage return rather than absolute dollars.


I didnt say Steep Drops

I said Average Drops...

I see AIW opening over 200 Million...then having consistent 55 to 60% drops....

Black Panther is having Great Holds all between 43 to 47%...that So Incredible

If you look at other CBMs theres a clear trend...most have 55 to 60%,

then theres above average drops which is between 50 to 55%

then there is Awful Drop which is anything over 60%...

I see AIW Dropping 55 to 58% in its 2nd weekend....then Drops from then on will be close to 55%...


So...by your own criteria it will be dangerously close to "awful drops"?


So...by your own criteria it will be dangerously close to "awful drops"?
Seems to me he said Half-Full (Average or Normal) and you're saying Half-Empty (Steep or Awful).

It seems that your word choices wants to make Disney/Marvel performance as bad or terrible. Par for your course.


A few percentages makes a big difference. AIW will have huge opening weekend and then drop maybe not as high as 55 to 60% the weekend after but it won't hold as well as BP (that's when we'll hear from you QueenFanUSA preaching how Marvel is a flop and it's on a decline). There are various reasons for that, first and foremost there will be a lot more competition than what BP had (not to mention most of BP's rivals are/will be flops even if they don't have the same audience - Red Sparrow, A Wrinkle in Time, Tomb Raider) simply because it's not opening in February but in late April. Then, its cultural impact, something AIW won't have working in its favor. And finally, AIW is a huge film as in the number of characters. BP is pretty much a self contained movie that even for someone who's watching a CBM for the first time wasn't a problem to follow. AIW was being built by 18 movies spreading over 10 years, that's why it's an event seeing so many movies and characters being brought together.

But where BP didn't succeed as big was the foreign market and that's where AIW will probably shine (unless the movie is JL bad). It's as simple as that, AIW probably won't earn as much domestically, it won't be that far off but certainly won't have a 3X multiplier like BP will likely have. But the way BP and Wonder Woman were culturally significant (either gender-wise or racially) it's safe to say that stuff matter to the audience in the States but outside of it that's not that big of a factor. That's why both BP and WW earned more domestically which is unusual because blockbusters usually earn more in the foreign market.

BP earned huge domestically and decently in foreign markets. AIW will at least earn more than enough domestically (half of billion probably), it will be a healthy amount of money but a drop compared to BP - calling that a failure would make sense if BP's domestic income was average, but it's not, it's stellar. Expecting AIW to outgross BP domestically is crazy...


...though I've seen the way you make your posts and you'll be eager to call it a flop just because it earned less domestically. Or if AIW earns 50M more domestically you'll be saying stuff like "So many superheroes and ONLY 50M more than a poor nobody like Black Panther".

Here's the thing, nobody cares. AIW will cover the difference in the foreign market. I wouldn't be surprised if AIW earns double what BP made in foreign markets.


So...by your own criteria it will be dangerously close to "awful drops"?


dear god you are a CHILD...

first you cant comprehend box office or tracking(which is SAD, Most Adults can easily understand) But ok

now you can even understand ....Average, Above Average and Awful....

Any thing between 55 to 60 %, Is Average drops for CBMs....that is the clear Pattern

CBM's With 61% drops or higher, are considered awful, because the trend continues, They continue to have Awful 60% drops for the entirety of their run...

If you look at what I said, I specifically said AIW IMO will have an Average Drop in its second weekend(between 55 to 58%), Then have Drops around 55% the rest of the way....

that is No where close to awful...

I get it, you just saw the 58% and your simply, biased mind thought "Hey thats close to 60%, I can spin that as Awful"

But there was more to my statement that clearly flew right over your head....Its not just about the 2nd Weekend, Its about the entirety of the run...IMO The entirety of AIW Will be Average....

for it to be Awful, as your trying to spin it, IW would have to have a 58% drop, Then have 60%+ drops for the rest of its run....which I in no way Implied....how you can to the conclusion "by your own criteria it will be dangerously close to "awful drops"?" is beyond me....

I truly think you are a CHILD that simply cant comprehend complex thoughts...


It's very big numbers for this week, whatever the reason. It means the movie may pass 600 million this weekend, as including tuesday's BO it will be at 578,376,528 before Friday! This is much faster to 600 million than any of the other superhero movies! I have no idea what the final number will be now, it seems like I've underestimated the performance in my previous posts.
