MovieChat Forums > Black Panther (2018) Discussion > There is a Cadre of posters wanting Blac...

There is a Cadre of posters wanting Black Panther, Black Activism & Disney to have it's Comeuppance!

First: the Numbers

As the official release approaches the Opening numbers are getting firmer but some voices on this board and on YouTube are pushing back hard, very hard.

There appears to be a small but focused phalanx of voices that are equal parts annoyed, determined, frustrated and cynical of everything and anything about the movie and America.

It's TOO Black. It's Political. It's nothing new. It's too hyped. It's non-authentic. It pushes activisim. It's PC BS. It's Disney and Western norms being forced onto the rest of the world. It's a double standard. It's Black Nationalism and Black Racism unchallenged.

Whatever you can find that is deemed an attribute of BP is turned into something derogatory and evil. There are some people of color who have voiced their opinions and if they align with the popular narratives of the Alt-Right they are thrust forward as clear voices and heroes of the, "See, I told YOU so" screamers.

The bottom line: I'm going to see BP; but the increased visibility of attempts to turn BP into something divisive is unfortunate and sad.




Kinda funny though. Black Panther as a character is as right wing as it gets. A guy who lives as a warrior king in a hereditary monarchy, in a shut off environment that refuses to connect with the outside world, puts his people and country above everyone and everything else, doesn’t share his natural resources unless it’s for gain, keeps the country’s generations old traditions and keeps his country homogeneous, restricts immigration, while living with extreme luxury as the surrounding countries live in extreme poverty. Funnily enough, when deciding to make a fictional character living in a very wealthy fictional environment where his people are happy, prosperous and independent, they went with a hard right wing nationalist, living in an anti globalist, anti multi culturalist society. If liberals were actually halfway intelligent enough to catch this, they'd probably get their minds blown, since they won't know whether to back him because he's black, or oppose him with the worry of being called racist, because he's a prime example of everything they hate. Switch the races, and they'd catch that in an instant.


Kinda funny though. Black Panther as a character is as right wing as it gets. A guy who lives as a warrior king in a hereditary monarchy, in a shut off environment that refuses to connect with the outside world, puts his people and country above everyone and everything else, doesn’t share his natural resources unless it’s for gain, keeps the country’s generations old traditions and keeps his country homogeneous, restricts immigration, while living with extreme luxury as the surrounding countries live in extreme poverty. Funnily enough, when deciding to make a fictional character living in a very wealthy fictional environment where his people are happy, prosperous and independent, they went with a hard right wing nationalist, living in an anti globalist, anti multi culturalist society. If liberals were actually halfway intelligent enough to catch this, they'd probably get their minds blown, since they won't know whether to back him because he's black, or oppose him with the worry of being called racist, because he's a prime example of everything they hate. Switch the races, and they'd catch that in an instant.
If you were from the 4th planet from the sun would you call your planet, "Mars"? No you wouldn't. In fact whatever you call it and are wouldn't even translate to anything on Earth.

African-Americans and other cultures non-westernized don't contort themselves to fit the labels, tenets, and designations of artificially created constructs and agendas for the purpose of legitimizing Western norms or de-legitimizing Marvel's created African mythology. Blacks have twisted language and positions long enough for you to understand this now haven't they? The word "Bad" became "Good". Dope was cool and Muthtafucka could be used for anything.

Right and Left, Liberal and Conservative are Western norms that are event based and morphed consistently to fit a narrative and agenda of convenience and control and now trolling.


Are Atlanteans Alt-Right or Left, Conservative or Liberals, Anti-Humans or Pro-Sea Creatures?

Wakanda is completely dismissive of your definitions and positions with a big, "We Don't Care".

It is truly hilarious watching Westerners and the Alt-Right attempt to deconstruct something that doesn't exist to fit an ideology that isn't even clearly defined except for "We don't like what they are doing to us" and is really all just based on "Feels".

If liberals were actually halfway intelligent enough to catch this, they'd probably get their minds blown, since they won't know whether to back him because he's black, or oppose him with the worry of being called racist, because he's a prime example of everything they hate. Switch the races, and they'd catch that in an instant.
See, that in and of itself details and speaks volumes to what you're searching for. You think and feel something or someone will be "Triggered" if you twist words and meanings into enough poorly defined concepts that everything will be as confused and inauthentic as you are.

Hilter equals T'Chaka equals T'Challa? You think that? Keep trying.

Sooner or later you'll figure out it is just a movie.


Yeah everything has to be so political now. I just want to watch a movie of a character I use to read about as a kid, and escape reality for a couple hours.


You read Black Panther way back in 1966? I don't think you're really that seasoned.

Like all comic books with any longevity the stories on the pages have spanned lots of topics. Even the BP run had politics so it will be pretty hard to escape that with the movie.


I read him back in the 80's in marvel comics presents, and he showed up in the Fantastic four comics. Along with the avengers.


Since the film is quickly approaching, I’ll just let its success speak for itself. That said, as always this determined group is pitiful. There are WORLD LEADERS putting out propaganda these “America first” trolls agree with. In fact, because of one certain racialist world leader, their “disenfranchised” kind hasn’t been heard this loudly in decades and now they feel more emboldened than ever to take whatever measure to bring down anyone that opposes them. So a film like Black Panther comes around and they decide enough is enough? (The Last Jedi chaos almost doesn’t compare.) Disney must be doing something right then. And don’t get me started on people of color who side with these ridiculous (useful idiots).

Anyway, I’ll be playing Public Enemy, Run the Jewels, Gill Scott-Heron, Dead Kennedys, RATM, Dead Prez, KMD, Fishbone, NWA, and the Black Panther soundtrack all this week in these clowns’ - predominantly white nationalists - dishonor.


Now that the movie has been in theaters for over a month all of the fears, concerns, white knuckling, furrowed brows of the naysayers and doubters can be put to rest. The Anti-Black Activists, Anti-SJWs, Anti-PC, Anti-BLMers will move on. This was not the movie that they were gunning for.

It was indeed funny reading their pseudo intellectual rants attempting to attach BP to some liberal agenda. (As if that was some evil machination perpetrated by Disney.)

The Box office reflects the acceptance of the movie and I'm not talking Transformer type acceptance either.


Actually, a lot of the reviewers put a great deal of significance on the cultural importance rather than the quality of the film, which I personally think shouldn't matter, but should only be considered a pleasant plus. It really shouldn't have any bearing on if the film is good or not.I thought BP was fine, but a very middle of the road Marvel movie, as did most of my comic movie fan friends.


Actually, a lot of the reviewers put a great deal of significance on the cultural importance rather than the quality of the film, which I personally think shouldn't matter, but should only be considered a pleasant plus.
How could culture not matter when the very essence of African Culture is woven into the narrative and storyline of BP? African traditions and norms are intermingled into reactions and actions of the events of Wakanda. For some this is why it is a comic book movie and Afrofuturism tale of people of the African Diaspora. That is if one cares to accept that part of the story.

Was Eric Stevens an avatar for American-Americans living fatherless and forgotten and was T'Challa the privileged class living off the fruits of their labor knowing full well that his neighbors benefitted from chattel slavery?


The "importance" to our current culture has nothing to do with the quality of a film. Those topics may well be part of a good movie, but shouldn't have any bearing themselves on the quality of a film. You can have a very strong message in a shitty movie,which I'm not saying BP is, but that doesn't make it any less of a shitty movie.


The "importance" to our current culture has nothing to do with the quality of a film.
No one is implying that "importance to culture has anything to do with the "Quality" of the film". BP reflects a culture as part of the storytelling and plot elements and in turn allegedly has both cultural significance and cultural impact. Time will tell on the Cultural impact.

The point is that because BP uses African culture as a structure within the story and is celebrated that in an of itself should not disqualify it from consideration of being a quality film and from further awards if it is deemed worthy. There is this drum beat with voices that want to both minimize and trivialize the reason why audiences are responding to BP. Some want to suggest that the audience isn't being critical in their assessment of the film. We agree that a strong message in a bad film doesn't make the film an award winner but it also doesn't disqualify the film.

Many are trying to paint BP's relationship with audiences as a "Participation Award" poster child. BP is now the diversity hire and now has the handicap of having to overcome the stigma of being liked by a particular audience. Somehow audiences and critics are lowering their acceptance bar for BP because it has a primary Black cast, Black Director and deals with African Themes? The strengths of BP are now determined to be it's very weakness.

Sarcasm mode on:
BP's only recognized by so many for quality because of and purely for Representation! That's disgusting!! It's JUST a medium or average film. I didn't see anything special.
Sarcasm mode off:


Yeah, well, some people can't stand to see other people having fun.
