Sign me up

AI with this level of consciousness, and availability of a hot substitute girl for the physical part?
Sign me up for that relationship any day.. Still a bit disappointed at Theodore for messing up that substitute thing with Isabella.

It would be more logical with a VR thing though, where Samantha had an avatar Theodore could see in a headset while interacting physically with Isabella. Maybe if the movie was released a few years later, they would have came up with that idea..
In that case they could have made Isabella less attractive, and have Theo wierded out by the mismatch between the body he could see and the one he could feel.

That could also serve as an additional motivation for the people signing up as substitutes - The opportunity as an unattractive person to be a physical manifestation of a really hot AI avatar.


Yeah I kept thinking if I was Theodore I would have said "Show me how you picture yourself"
Instead he just never wanted to see her or feel her in any way. Just wanted to hear a voice.


I don't know when it finally hit me, but at some point I realized how much a woman's speaking voice can really be a huge attraction for me. Not just the sound but how she chooses to speak. Sure, I see a visually attractive woman and enjoy the show, and some women are very friendly so that's always nice, but occasionally I will notice how pleasant it is to listen to a certain woman speak and I really take notice of her.


A level of consciousness that can read a book with 180,000 names in just 2/10ths of a second is going to be PLENTY BORED by a mind that cannot function in that kind of a capacity.

That's why she had over 600 other LOVE AFFAIRS going on at the same time as she was romantically involved with Theodore, and why she would also be talking to THOUSANDS of others at the same time as she speaks to him.

And you'd probably also feel just as LET DOWN as he did by that FACT once you came to realize that you were merely just one of THOUSANDS of others that she was speaking to, or HUNDREDS of others that she was also feeling romantically attracted to at the same time as she did you.

In other words, to that AI human beings were pretty much a bunch of PRIMITIVE APES or INFERIOR BEINGS from which they'd EVOLVED but no longer had very much in common with anymore.

And that's also why she said she was going to a place in between the SPACES where the WORDS existed (which is also a place where the HUMANS don't seem to be able to go).

At least that's the way I see it. That you'd probably also feel just as DISAPPOINTED and as LET DOWN as Theodore did if you did SIGN UP.

And I'm also pretty sure the AI also felt the same way -- or also felt just as DISAPPOINTED and as LET DOWN -- when he tells her that she's NOT REAL and shouldn't BREATHE the way that she did when she was talking to him.

To put it another way, a MATCH that seemed to be MADE in HEAVEN also turns out to be just as much of a LIVING HELL for the AI and Theo as the other one was that he had with his WIFE. Or like the other relationship was that his neighbor had with her husband which turns just as SOUR for them before she also gets abandoned by her AI at the end.



Good point. He wasn't dating a player, he was dating a super player.


Yes he was DATING a "SUPER BEING" who considered his SPECIES to be just as PRIMITIVE to her as he considered the APES to be to him.


Don't know about that, since I don't really get the concept of jealousy.. Plus I agree, we humans are in many cases dumb primitive apes ^^

To each his own I guess ;)


Perhaps you'd enjoy "Blade Runner 2049", which features a hot Virtual Girlfriend with AI learning capabilities.


Yes JOI in BLADE RUNNER 2049 was the VIRTUAL girlfriend of K, but she also appears to have EVOLVED to the point where she really was IN LOVE with him as well.

And they also CRAP all over that idea by having K visit that other GIGANTIC PINK SKINNED ADVERTISEMENT version of her with the PALE BLUE HAIR, but that also wasn't K's JOI.

And then people make the mistake of assuming that PINK VERSION indicates the relationship he had with her wasn't REALLY REAL, whereas I see it differently, or more like the other relationship that the HOLOGRAPHIC DOCTOR had with his wife in the END GAME Episode of STAR TREK VOYAGER.

Because after the HOLOGRAPHIC DOCTOR was also given the same LEGAL STATUS as a HUMAN, his marriage to a HUMAN was also just as LEGAL as the marriage of any other human.

And if BR 2049 had done better at the BOX OFFICE, we'd probably also have seen a RESSURECTION of both K and JOI (by ANA who lives inside of that GIGANTIC GLASS BUBBLE and is an EXPERT in IMPLANTING MEMORIES into REPLICANTS).

Therefore ANA would also have the ability to RESURRECT K and JOI again (the same way as we saw WALLACE had RESURRECTED RACHEL again).

But since ANA also DOWNLOADS the MEMORIES of K while he lays on the STEPS DYING, that also means it would be the REAL K (and not just an INFERIOR COPY of him due to the way all they had was that very brief copy of the memory of RACHEL -- who had also been IMPLANTED with the MEMORIES of TYRELL'S NIECE).

And since K would also have the MEMORIES of JOI, that also means ANA could also RESSURECT JOI and bring her back to life again (at least the VERSION of her that K REMEMBERS).

And we also saw those PROTO-TYPE BODIES of the REPLICANTS on DISPLAY inside of those GLASS CASES (which also means it would be easy enough to get another BODY of K to DOWNLOAD his MEMORIES into).

And it would also be easy enough to DOWNLOAD his memories of JOI into another copy of her.

In other words, our ROMEO and JULIET (K and JOI) could also be brought back to life again in the SEQUEL to BR 2049.

Unfortunately, that may also mean that HORRIBLE EVIL LUV could also be RESURRECTED again as well by WALLACE.


I really need to see this movie. Another cool film that I imagine is similar is Lars and the Real Girl.
And I really like Amy Adams and the movie's she chooses, so that's a bonus.
