All hail Cruise!

The last movie star, who is not only a good actor with great screen presence, but actually takes charge and makes sure his films push the boundaries, and most importantly he keeps all that woke shit out of his films 🍻

Top Gun: Maverick is busting blocks and people love it, it’s going to have a long shelf life. This should be a lesson to those studios who keep baiting audiences with belated sequels then churning out insipid woke crap. Even wokies hate their own shit because nothing is woke enough for them, they only want to destroy.

Cruise is showing Hollywood how it’s done. Will they heed his example or continue to ruin their most prized properties in an attempt to appease woke Twitter mobs while repelling normal people? Time will tell…



It’s a great movie, no doubt. But it’s plenty woke. The final selection of pilots picked for the mission doesn’t even remotely match actual percentages in the Air Force.

Female: check. African American: check. Hispanic: check.

And the larger pool of pilots who first show up at The Hard Deck Bar: AA, Asian female, etc….

Hey, it’s still a great movie. But no film these days is woke-proof…..


There’s a dash of woke in there for sure, no way would a team of the best fighter pilots in America include women, and the non-whites were too numerous, but I wouldn’t call that ‘plenty woke’. It’s mild enough to not hinder the film, they're ultimately second fiddle to the key players - Mav, Ice, Rooster and Hangman.


that's a fair point, but i'll give the movie credit for at least not being obnoxious about it. aside from a few little moments in that bar scene perhaps, there was no sneering female condemnation of men, not dialogues about toxic masculinity, no diatribes about privilege.

that sort of diversity quota stuff is annoying, but at least this was done with a light touch.



I havnet seen Top Gun: Maverick for that exact reason. I wanted an all black cast. I would love TC as a supporting actor and a black man as the lead.


