MovieChat Forums > ImdbGhost

ImdbGhost (37)


At last a great recent flick. This clown will direct two more garbages Imdb closed mainly because of this movie. RoboCop 2 workprint/theatrical/scripts detailed comparison The "Burbs tv cut View all posts >


Blade Runner The Outer Limits Heard about a tape/bootleg from eastern Europe supposed to be the wp but not much more. Sly kills a guy bare hands when they attack him at home, Monte and the cops are more developped, there is a cop killed during the hospital attack.Stuffs like that. Cutting Cards Carrion Death Top Billing Easel Kill Ya Undertaking Palor too bad they deleted it 1 Kill Bill 2 Tilt 3 Reservoir Dogs Kill Bill doesn't have any, but the script describes Vernitas's collection of portraits, from pics of Buffalo soldiers to Colin Powell. Death Proof wich is underrated, doesn't have any, as OUATIH. That movie was like a parody. Its a nice comic book, so better than that ridiculous Adolini cameo in Prey. I despised them. Nope, the comic Predator 1718 was released in 1996. View all replies >