MovieChat Forums > Civil War (2024) Discussion > Subtle lib propaganda

Subtle lib propaganda

- President is in his third term, reference to Trump supposedly
- President abolished the FBI, reference to Trump supposedly
- Antifa massacre referenced, inference is that antifa were attacked without provocation
- The only real bad guys seen on screen are three white dudes killing people for not being American enough and killing a guy for being Chinese
- All of the press team is minority and/or women
- Black woman is who kills the president

Disappointing from Garland


If you asked people who were historians or political scientists what would likely cause an American civil war in the present era it would end up being things related to present day political divisions, barring some external conflict or natural disaster. It's not going to be about the designated hitter in baseball, Taco Bell vs. Chipotle, Ford vs. Chevy.

This makes it easy to project your own contemporary political conflicts into this movie, even though the movie doesn't do anything at all to explain the nature of the conflict or how Texas and California wind up in a dominant alliance against the Federal government.


Watched it last night. Not subtle at all, but less on the nose than usual leftist movies these days.
Still a shit movie one way or another. It was like the fever dream of a leftist who imagines civil war without having any clue about anything.


Yeah, maybe less on the nose is a good way to describe it, but at least more subtle than a lot of other movies these days.


*cough* Don't Look Up *cough*


Interesting how you associate all of those things with Trump and Republicans.


Interesting how you want to pretend to be unaware of a debate that basically anyone with even a passing knowledge of politics and cultural issues in the entire western world, and certainly the U.S., knows ...


what debate?


It was very obvious that president was trump-like figure who usurped power and went on third term. And then few states rebelled and went to war to kick him out.

What I didn't like is that they created new flag with two stars. While mission should have been to kick out usurper and return to normalcy.
