Just terrible

Bloodshot is a huge turkey!


Explain why


I've watched some reviews and they all said more or less the same thing: the movie is dumb as a box of hammers, uses worn out superhero tropes that were done better in other movies and looks very cheap.


Did you watch it


No, I did not.


So you can’t say for shizzle


It is all of the above.


Yes, explain.


Geezuz, since the last decade or so, people have started whining about every movie. Movie studios should stop making movies for two years so we would all die of boredom.


People are dying of boredom now. Why would a two year moratorium be any different?


The difference is, we wouldn't even get the stuff we are bitching about. I think it'd be better for the whiny audience too, as seeing these movies give them so much grief.


You're saying that as if most people would be upset by this. They wouldn't be. Most people have given up on theatrically released movies and would rather stay home to watch new releases if given the choice. The only reason why they still go to the movies is that it's a social activity, like bar hopping, going out to a concert or seeing a basketball game. It's a thing to do if you want to spend an evening out with friends and family.


Okay, but why go to the movies if you hate them so much (not specifically directed at you, but in general)?


Maybe they don't hate movies.

Maybe they are just being critical?

If more people were critical about entertainment, we would have better entertainment.


"This movie is terrible" is not being critical, as that can apply to all movies, and anything in general. Nowadays, that is all we get, besides "This is feminazi! This is sjw!! Global warming is a lie!!!"


It's the internet. This movie looked bad regardless.


I'm not claiming this particular movie is oscar-worthy, and i agree with you about the interwebz. What i'm saying is, there's always something to complain about in any movie. We all have ideas about the choices characters make, improbable odds that stack against or in favor of protagonists, the portrayal of a certain event, etc. This is alright, except people complain so much, to the point of cancelling productions, changing storylines for the worse and so on. For instance Star Wars, Alien franchise, Terminator, Superman. And "fans" generally have the shittiest ideas to replace what we were given.

I've just realized that i'm complaining about people complaining about movies.


They are not making movies with solid and surprising plots.

It's a big problem because movies aren't worth seeing. I like videogames and have an xbox. Many games when from having stories to being online games where you run around killing and there's no story or tension. These are a big hit but they're boring to me because it's no a game/story. Same thing with movies.

Also, the "indie movie" used to be something to look forward to. Typically something out of the box. Can ever indie movie is about a guy who returns to his home town after college, etc. A totally boring study of some mundane aspect of an average person's life.


I agree that most of the time, producers are just cigar chewing @ssholes with no respect to the movie universe they are funding. But they don't want to lose money and audience reactions sometimes mislead them on what the public wants to see. Looking at fan fiction, i think studios are still doing a much better job than what die-hard fans think would be awesome.

Triple A games deliver much better stories nowadays, but the medium helps them a lot in terms of choices characters make and duration. Last of Us is amazing, but it's practically impossible to make it work in a two hour movie. Movie studios are generally doing a good job with what they have. Just my two cents.


Sorry for all the typos! I must have been distracted, lol.

Yo, your two cents are counterfeit.

Watch movies from the 30s and 40s. I am a huge fan and if you have Turner Classic Movies or any such channel, check it out.

These movies are OLD but very high quality stories. They were made on sets, and just with people talking, but it was the writing. There were probably dirt cheap to make but it was the scripts and ideas that made these movies classics.

We now have a MASSIVELY educated population and we have HUNDREDS or books being published. The amount of writers and ideas available has to be giant, like never before in history could you find so much stuff. We have people becoming famous from posting stuff on youtube, like their music. No one would have heard of these people and they would have kept it all inside 80 years ago.

Hollywood has no ideas and keeps recycling because they are what is called in yiddish "Schlock Meisters" which basically means Cheap Trash Masters. That is a crappy jewish businessman trying to make money at the expense of quality and the consumer. They will not buy the rights to books, or hire professional writers. In the 30s, F Scott Fitzgerald wrote movies, and he was super famous. Now, the producer's cousin writes movies for cheap.

That is why we get so much crap.


Corporations and billionaires have no religion, ethnicity or ideology besides money. So your obstinate emphasis on Jewish is unnecessary.

Movies in the 30s had the advantage of being original in anything they did. Besides, they also had as much corny monster movies and disaster flicks as filming techniques allowed them to. A movie doesn't have to be a Nobel winner book adaptation to be enjoyable, it just needs to be consistent within its established universe.

And, as you said, movies is business, and if we are getting crappy movies (which in my opinion, is not entirely true), it means we are asking for crappy movies. And still, studios make better stories than so called fans, who come up with the stupidest ideas. Just today i was reading about people's tweets for Jurassic World 3 to include the two kids from Jurassic Park, and someone says the dinosaur lover kid should now be a dinosaur hunter after what he lived through. Read some of the grumble on blockbuster franchises and you'd see what a bunch of ignorant idiots fanboys actually are.


A Schlock Meister is a Hollywood term that they came up with because they own Hollywood. It's a way of doing business that we see all the time in movies.

There's horror movies that are so extremely bad where they just film people walking around and somehow it's a payday for someone. That's schlock and it didn't exist back when movies started.

We aren't ASKING for anything.

The US has a massively bored population and they will watch "whatever looks good". You work all day and want to watch something at night because there's not much else to do. So, you spend time looking through Netflix, Amazon, etc until you settle on something. That does not mean you WANTED to watch that.

Same with many movies. There are exciting ones during the summer but in other months you just "pick one" and go see it.

EVERYONE wants to see a GOOD movie in whatever genre they like. But, it's all a gamble based on whatever Hollywood wants to make.


Not only that, but you openly said Jewish businessman. Whatever.

Well, if you are watching it, it means you purchased what they were selling. They believe that what they are selling works. They make more of it. I'm not saying you have no right to complain. I'm saying you can complain about anything, which is tiresome for you and everyone else after a while.


Unless you factor in Scientologists, that's who makes movies.

And, it's a term they came up with that is used for bad and cheap films. Look it up.

Dude, you have a retarded American attitude.

It's as if companies decided to sell spoiled food in the store and since people are buying it, well, that's what they want. Get your head out of your ass.

Read the history of the food industry. Greedy businessmen used to put all kinds of crap in food and people would buy it, get poisoned, be eating wood, and all kinds of shit. Then, the government stepped in and forced standards and regulations.

The same cult members who make movies make comics. Years ago there was a comic code, meaning legal standards, for what could be in a comic. That's because before that they were putting in gore, sex, violence, because it was "exciting" and kids were seeing what amounted to porn. That doesn't mean kids "like porn" so it's okay to sell it to them. The comic code was put into place to stop dangerous Schlock Meisters.

There is no such regulation on movies and consumers have no real choice. They will watch anything because it is the number one pass time. We get a choice of what they present us. Would you like the rotten apple, the rotten banana, or the rotten pear, is not a choice.


What you are saying assumes we are forced to pick one terrible thing or the other. Or that producers have agendas beyond maximizing profits (which is bad enough, but still). And you are proposing government restrictions on art and entertainment which must be the worst possible deduction one can make from this scenario.


Not a great movie. Kind of a throwback actioner, but a pretty weak attempt. This was basically just another entry in the Vin Diesel scifi catalog. His weakest one yet. Aside from the broadstrokes of the character, it had little do to with the comic. The small budget showed. Action scenes were more ambitious than what they could pull off and this world felt very small as we only ever have a handful of people on screen. You see everything you've seen before in this movie, just with more CGI and faster editing. I think what I thought before the movie came out. It was a mistake to cast Vin Diesel. A fresh faced actor, or one cast against type, could have made this an interesting film. Cause we're never in the shoes of a man waking up from a living nightmare. We're just watching Vin Diesel.
