MovieChat Forums > Avatar: The Way of Water (2022) Discussion > Do people care about Avatar anymore?

Do people care about Avatar anymore?

this project has been in the works for what over 10years? its not a strong enough IP to warrant sequels.


They probably could had released a sequel by 2012 2014 that would had done well enough;like gross $1B or $1.5B. But I think people wouldn't interested now that the MCU really took off, the Star Wars sequel trilogy sort of filled in the sci-fi blockbuster void, and now with COVID possibly killing the theater experience.


hes a truck driver....i dont get it. did he blow some gay producer?


Wait, what?




Oh, I see. In that case he simply worked to get ahead.


try becoming a movie director by being a truck driver was always a very very fishy story on how he became a director. he's not even jewish.


Kids and teenagers who either weren't born yet in 2009 or were too young to remember this movie can certainly catch up. We'll see it on Netflix, or Amazon, or Hulu - probably all three - before the second one premieres. I don't think the time lag alone is a big deal.

What surprises me is not that they tried making one sequel, but that the studio greenlit four without waiting to see how the first one did. Granted they need a lot of advance time to release them at one year intervals. But seriously - if it takes a few years to get the next one out that's still better than being on the hook for three additional high budget productions should the first one bomb.

James Cameron has (for some reason) decided to bet every last chip of his personal credibility on one hand of cards. If he comes up a winner he's a hero. If not, he's responsible for the biggest disaster in cinematic history and never makes another movie again. He'll probably have to change his name and retire to an undisclosed location if he doesn't want to suffer a tragic "accident". 😱

All I can say James is, this better be good!


Are you making a threat on someone's life here?


No, only suggesting the studio bosses may be less than pleased if they lose a billion dollars on Mr. Cameron's gamble. Plus I'm sorta hoping they will be good enough to justify his confidence.


My guess is with CoVid and BLM riots etc people will be wanting more pure entertainment stuff without the SJW agendas.




Avatar 2 will sell as many tickets as Avatar ... maybe more, the world population is higher after 13 years (2022 release). Despite the few people who seem like their day isn't complete unless they've posted trash about Avatar, movie goers won't be intimidated. LOL
