MovieChat Forums > Barbarian (2022) Discussion > Anyone else feel this way?

Anyone else feel this way?

I saw Barbarian recently and I really enjoyed the first half. I thought the setup, atmosphere and creepiness was well done. Once they changed perspectives to the film guy, I felt like the movie was more of a comedy, and a lot of the tension and suspense went out the window.

Maybe that's what they were going for? Like more of a dark comedy? If that's the case I'm sure some will like that, but for me I was sad because that first half was so good.


I thought the movie sucked.


It added a bit of comedy, but I don't think it removed the tension and suspension personally. I wouldn't sell this movie as a dark comedy. I do think it's a bit offbeat. It's a bit different. Understandable why it turn someone off, but as a person who doesn't really like dark comedies, I enjoyed the way this movie developed.


Do you mean Justin long? The second owner of the house. Yeah at that point it just sucked. I HATED that sudden shift from such tension. I felt like they were filming 3 different movies. Also the aspect ratio changing was just atrocious.

The beginning half was great


Yeah that's him. I just wasn't into it, although I can see why people like it if they enjoy horror with some dark humor. I still think the overall movie was entertaining and I'd recommend it to people who like horror, but that first half was so awesome, I was hoping that we'd get more of that.


Did you watch the movie looking for reasons to bitch?

I didn't like it at first either, but came to appreciate it after a while since the movie need a de-tension at that point.

I normally hate that aspect ratio but it was nostalgically awesome in this case.
It really felt like an early 80s clip.

Overall it was a great roller-coaster ride.


First half was great. Someone should shoot a different second half.


The shift to Justin Long in the car took me by surprise but I just rolled with it. For me, it kinda resumed to where the first part left off, when he got to the house and started exploring with his measuring tape.

So it really wasn't a big deal for me. I didn't view it as dark comedy either. It's just the character that was silly. It's true, after thinking about it, that maybe the setup/backstory for AJ took a little while but everything then came back to that same gloomy atmosphere we had left. I ended up enjoying this movie more than I thought I would.


it's really not all that good.
