The backstory felt weak and underdeveloped. They should have worked on the woman's background more, and how the basement came to be in the first place. That throwback scene was great, but it needed more substance. Also, I was torn at Keith's fate, he was such a good loving character.


I agree 100%. The backstory was very important to what was happening throughout the movie and more should have been explained. A lot of people are wondering who built that elaborate tunnel system under the houses. I thought they were left over bomb shelters, very commonly built in the 1940's and 1950's, but I read an interview that the director gave and he said that Frank built them. How could Frank build them in the 1980's and no one knew what he was doing?? That's major excavation/construction! Plus there are other questions that could have been answered if more of Frank's diabolical activities were explained. There was also some bad writing which I brought up in another thread. All in all it wasn't a bad movie, but it could have been much better.

Yeah, Keith was a really nice guy. I was also very disappointed when he was killed off.


I didn’t think this was a problem. The viewer can presume how the old dude made that labyrinth and captured women down there. I do feel the scene where the old dude kills himself seemed a bit off (why exactly did he do it?)

The Keith scene was necessary to establish the danger of the situation. someone had to die. I felt the film teased the idea that Keith would be the bad guy that you didn’t realize he was genuinely good until he died. I mean — he’s the stranger already in the house before her, and his nightmare / screaming on the couch suggested he might have had some psych issues … you might have figured he would be the villain, but no


I do feel the scene where the old dude kills himself seemed a bit off (why exactly did he do it?)

He didn't seem in very good shape, the woman didn't seem to want to go near him so we can assume she didn't take care of him. By the way he looked, he couldn't take care of himself either. All of that plus AJ teasing that the cops would be all around soon might explain why he killed himself. He was already in his final stretch and he didn't want to be caught by the police after getting away with all his crimes for 40+ years...


Yes I wanted to know how that town deteriorated and wasn't a neighbor already leaving when it was still a nice community? Why? And all the other neighbors?


Because that’s the reality of Detroit after the auto collapse. I was in Detroit in 2014 and cruised through neighborhoods like these in the movie. It was very surreal to see in person and literally felt like it was a movie set. Makes sense as this is t the first movie to use Detroit’s neighborhoods as a setting (don’t breathe)


I'm sure it was set up that way so that there could be a prequel if this movie made money. I've seen an interview the director saying he's not interested in any sequel or prequel. But I think that's BS. Now that the film has made 10 times it's production budget, and seeing how everybody is wondering about all that stuff and clamoring for it, I'm almost 100% certain that he will make a prequel. You'd have to be real dumb not to, honestly. I'm actually shocked that this movie made as much money as it did because I thought it was pretty stupid. Particularly all the things that you're mentioning about all the inconsistencies and plot holes and the totally unclear backstory. And plus some of the other things that other people in the comment section are mentioning about the back story as well. Another question I have is why would this guy want all these women to have these babies? I wasn't sure if the pregnancies were a byproduct of what he was doing with the women or if that's what he actually wanted. Too many potholes. Too many inconsistencies. Movie stunk.


Another question I have is why would this guy want all these women to have these babies?

Not a nice thing to think about but the pregnancies, as you said, were probably a byproduct of the raping. From the presence of cages in the caves we can assume he had more that a girl/woman trapped down there at the same time. And, sorry to even say this out loud, having babies around (girls) was convenient if he also was into young girls and he saved himself from abducting extra victims. Now we can only wonder what happened when a boy was born because I guess he had no use for them.


All elements that could be used and explored more in depth in a prequel. I'm usually bothered by prequels.. think they became kind of systematic more often than not. But for Barbarian I think it's almost a must !
