MovieChat Forums > Four Hours at the Capitol (2021) Discussion > I thought this was a peaceful protest?

I thought this was a peaceful protest?

So many people said this was a peaceful protest so I had to check this out. What exactly was peaceful about it? There was a loss of life, there were injuries, property was damaged, and there will be a lot of folks suffering from PTSD from protecting the capitol.

So I ask you folks that claim this was peaceful, please elaborate.


It mostly was a peaceful protest unlike your typical BLM/Antifa riot. There were a few people who broke things and that is not acceptable but most of them were peacefully protesting an obviously shady election.

The entire committee made up of Trump haters who had a predetermined outcome is nothing more than a witch hunt, a distraction from the DemoKKKrats failed policies and a misappropriation of government resources.


They'd probably blame it on Antifa. But then complain about the suspects who were jailed being mistreated or whatever.


Using the MSM's 2020 standard it was very peaceful protest. Don't you agree?


Like any protest, there were no doubt individuals who were less than peaceful. There were also certainly people from the opposite side of the political spectrum who showed up specifically to agitate and cause mayhem in order to make the other side look bad. That's what happens any time thousands gather to protest something serious.

That said, in comparison to the countless other protests that had been taking place in the months prior to this one, it was very mild. The protesters were escorted into the building by police, and most simply wandered about or chanted. When the 8pm curfew came, they all filed out. Was everyone's behavior perfect? Of course not, but when compared to the BLM protests of 2020, January 6th is orders of magnitude more peaceful.
