MovieChat Forums > Barbie (2023) Discussion > Why "Cats" is considered a bad movie, b...

Why "Cats" is considered a bad movie, but this is an Oscar worthy billion dollar movie?



Because feminism.


You'd have to be a total dolt to not see the difference in quality between Barbie and Cats. Barbie is factually better on nearly every front, and isn't comprised of atrocious Nintendo 64 CGI.




The Marketing department did a great job on Barbie and Women & The Gays showed up in droves.


Because Cats had terrible visuals. Like, an average videogame has less clipping issues than Cats CGI did.


It's always interesting when two bad movies have such different receptions.

This movie ties in with 'women's empowerment' and 'women are victims' and 'women are stronger than men' messages.

The typical pandering that hollyweird and the corporations have been doing for decades for all kinds of nefarious purposes has paid off by preparing herds of women to have a man-hating mindset, so of course a movie with THIS particular message is going to be a success. Women have always been more susceptible (?) to marketing than men, and these days, control most of the money (generally speaking), and how families SPEND their money, so corporations learned very early on to manipulate men by affecting women.

In any relationship, women basically own men. Every married man has a defeated look in his eyes, because of the thousand battles he has lost in arguments, where he was sure he was right, and the thousand more the man knows he's going to lose in the future.

Cats has no particular message, so it's meaningless to people.

Also, Cats is.. I have to say it? ..


To the max!

So of course people are not going to see it. There is no REASON to see it (no big star, performance, cool scene, great story, etc.).. and there is no MESSAGE that would pull the movie into the 'MUST SEE OR GF WILL LEAVE YOU'-kind of category.

This means, Cats is irrelevant and repulsive (visually, yes, but in so, so, SO many other ways as well), Barbie is visually appealing to the typical childlike mind of a woman (women are allowed ot be kids, as Bill Burr once said, men aren't), and the 'patriarchy' lie creates tingles in females, so of course the movie is a success.

Neither of them are good movies, but then again, I haven't seen either of them (and I am planning to keep it that way), so maybe I am wrong.. but they have very different EFFECT on the audience, so that's why.


They were both bad, but marketing for Barbie was brilliant. Barbie will soon be forgotten and forever on sale on digital platforms. It's a shallow movie pretending to be deep, and has very little rewatchabilty. However, Cats was ugly from the start and simply terrible from a visual standpoint.
