MovieChat Forums > Barbie (2023) Discussion > The whole scene where the teen girl say ...

The whole scene where the teen girl say that Barbie ruined her life

Can be Summed up with this one Meme. If an inanimate ruins your life than you got bigger problem than "THE PATRIARCHY". Seriously what a Preachy boring movie. Ill give to the promotion people at WB. They sure tricked people into thinking this could possibly be good.


Girls and women are harder on themselves, and on other girls and women, than men ever could be. If there's pressure on women to look a certain way, most of that pressure comes from other women. At the last secret Patriarchy meeting we were all talking about how we wish they'd just chill out and be natural.


I al re asy agreed witht hr meme b4 I saw it. The speech was bullshit


I can't count the amount of times I said this over the Summer, but was clearly outnumbered by Gen Z & The Gay/Transgender Community


This isn't completely true. Very black and white thinking. I've seen several guys online playing up the fact that men have unrealistic body standards too. That's true. It's not the gotcha some think. You're just lumping yourselves into the mix of those women who complain about body standards, the same women you're poking fun at.

The amount of men who complain about the importance of height and muscle mass for women are belying the truth of the matter that they too feel the pressure to look a certain way.

Yes some women will complain about societal pressure to look a certain way. However some women don't give a fuck. They play with Barbie then move on with their life. A lot of these women will be derided by men because they don't make a great effort to comform to the societal standard of attractiveness.

That meme image has He-Man. Do you not realize how many men, including some teenagers, who take anabolic steroids in an attempt to become big and muscular? It's a serious problem that brings major health consequences. Acting like men are above caring about their image is hilarious. Don't get me started on all the guys taking medications that decimate androgens in their system in an attempt to save their hair from male pattern baldness or those that get hair transplants.

Many men suffer greatly with body image issues. Acting like it's something 'silly girls' do and that brave boys are above it is a big fat lie.


Men and women are always going to have body image issues, more or less, but that is not because some toys, at least anyone saying a toy ruined their life is not taking responsibility for their own actions.

Without toys they will blame media showing good looking people, without media they will blame good looking people around them.

People saying those things are the sort of people always going to blame others for their problems and failures, not just body image issues.

And people like that are hardly minority, otherwise how did politicians like Hitler and Trump get elected? They are of course not the only ones, all politicians do that more or less. Obama played blaming the bankers and republican card, but it was democrat president Bill Clinton repealed Glass–Steagall Act and signed it into law, which was a major deregulation of banking system, and greatly contributed to the banking crisis 7 years later. And once elected Obama did nothing to regulate banks.


Fun fact: When they were creating He-man the studio was next door to a gym and they hired an actual athlete to pose for reference shots. He-man has a six pack because the person they hired for reference shots had a six pack.
