MovieChat Forums > Halloween (2018) Discussion > Laurie calling Michael The Shape

Laurie calling Michael The Shape

When she showed up at the restaurant kinda drunk, she went rambling on about seeing Michael "i saw him, i saw The Shape" i just found it stupid, why would she call him that? she knows his name, shes referred to him as the boogeyman, why would she call him The Shape? i get thats what he was called in the script for the original movie but it kinda sounds dumb to have Laurie actually call him that.


I guess "the shape" could be interpreted in one of two ways. For fans, her calling him "the shape" is a reference to Michael's nickname in our reality. But in Laurie's reality, Michael isn't referred to as "The Shape" so when she says "I saw the shape", she is most likely referring to his outline of his body. But of course, this is a reference for fans who recognise that Michael (in our reality) is nicknamed and even credited as "The Shape".

Hope this helps!


This was simply a bone thrown to fans, but it made zero sense. Michael is never referred to as the Shape, except in the credits. The writers and director should have forgotten about all the throwbacks and simply created a new movie that recalled the feel and atmosphere of the original.


another one, of many, eye roll moments.


Yep, just like when she said to Sartain "You're the new Loomis".


That line was irritating because they are clearly trying to make Laurie the new Loomis, and it is failing badly. Someone needs to explain to the makers of Halloween films that Laurie Strode is not necessary anymore.


It would be better if she became his therapist to find out why, it would a least give her s reason to be in the movie


The whole point of the Shape is to suggest Michael is a Supernatural Entity which this movie goes out of its way to say Michael isn't a Supernatural Entity so they have no business referring to "The Shape" to begin with. I was in a Psyche Ward twice in my life and was never like "Oh No its The Shape" i was more like "Let me get a cigarette Carl"
