MovieChat Forums > Halloween (2018) Discussion > All you people are absolutely pathetic

All you people are absolutely pathetic

All you do is cry and complain about the unorginality of Hollywood and you want new stories then you go out and make Jamie Lee vs Michael Myers for like the 10th time both of them being like 70 years old and you all make it the Highest grossing slasher of all time.

This is why we can't have good movies anymore


10th time?

Where were the other 5?


I haven't even seen it. I can't bring myself to watch it. I'm so absolutely done with the Halloween franchise. The horror genre desperately needs some new material outside of Michael Myers and rehashed slasher characters.




I'm a Michael Myers fan til the day I die. F*ck originality.


Sucks to be you nerd. i'm so glad Muh Freddy doesn't need Jamie Lee just to make a movie people want to see no matter how bad Heather Langencamp tried to be that Jamie Lee


Well that's funny because Michael Myers Did very well without Jamie Lee for 3 films. 5 films if you include the Rob Zombie Films. But what's even funnier is you thinking Heather Langencamp could hold a pelvic protector to Jamie Lees Acting Resume.


Those movies did so well they retconned twice and nobody cared
