It's doing a lot, maybe too much, but it has me pretty interested and, dare I say, excited for a Snyder project for once. Hope it doesn't let me down like most of his stuff does, I'm counting heavily on Sofia Boutella to save it.


Well... that's certainly a Zack Snyder movie, all right. Guess that's gonna be a hard "pass" from me, then.

It's a damn shame, too, because someone else doing for Star Wars what Lucas did for Flash Gordon and Buck Rogers could be a great idea.


thats true, GL wanted to do Flash Gordon movie couldn't secure rights so made his own SciFi epic with SW (and Spielberg wanted to do 007 but was refused so made Indiana Jones with GL) ..Synder wanted this to be a SW film but didn't work out so here's his own Sci fi version


Looks great. Looking forward to this one.


This looks like typical Snyder shlock. I'll pass.
