How did Braddock...

Get onto the galley? She was on the barge or cargo ship while the heavy lift helicopters were bringing out the ships. When she noticed Sully got control of one of the heavy lifts, she radioed for the other to give chase, next scene she's somehow on one of the galley ships...


You have to switch off your brain entirely when watching this.

Even how Nate and Sully got onto the plane by sneaking into the car unnoticed before it was loaded on to the plane, it’s just baffling.

If they didn’t show it it’s because the writers were too lazy to think of a way to get the characters where they needed to be.


That part I could sorta get away with as an off-screen moment where they approached stealthy in the middle of the day to sneak into the trunk of the red Jaguar (think it was a jag). They were scouting the place before so that can be a believable scenario. The latter was just bonkers.


It was a Mercedes.


When they crawled outta car after 10 hours i thought, "why all a sudden you getting out now. It didn't land. How did you know how long to stay in before you get out".


Or how Chloe Frazer managed to sneak away just after Antonio Banderas is killed? She was standing right in front of the villains! An airplane is a tube! There's no side room she could have snuck into.


More importantly, why did her hair look like she used liberal amounts of still wet pigeon shit to style it all over?


Theres all kinds of these moments through the movie. Others mentioned a few, heres another.

Nate has breakthrough where gold is, somehow Sulli is right behind. The bad guys are right behind that. WTAF
