
Funny how the metoo movement ignores one glaring problem: Many actors feel they need to go naked out of fear of being blackballed by the industry, particularly when they're trying to break into the industry. Ask yourself how comfortable Emma Stone would be watching herself naked and simulating sex with her parents in the audience. Lea Seydoux regretted doing the sex scenes in that lesbian drama "blue is the warmest color". Other actresses regretted their sex scenes, too. What if Stone regrets them? When she has kids?
Not to mention the strain it puts on private relationships when people see their partners having on-set sex with other actors. An actress friend told me how difficult it is even though it's faked.
How many actors are like: "I was young and needed the money,"
Does Lanthimos even care that Stone might end up a "poor thing"?


Firstly, Emma Stone already has a child.

Secondly, just because an actress regrets doing nudity, it doesn't mean they were exploited or treated unfairly at the time.

Emma is clearly comfortable with the sex and nudity. She is not desperate for roles, she would not have taken this otherwise. She has talked at length about how she loves working with Lanthimos. She was briefly naked in his film The Favourite, but that was not originally intended. She decided to do it on the spot, and there are many interviews where she states this. She got naked in his short film Bleat too, for which I'm pretty sure she wasn't even paid.


She has a kid? Oh my....


People do shit they regret all the time.

Does there have to be a court case for every instance of that?


And Hollywood exploits it all the time.


Shes an adult in her mid thirties. What person can consent to nudity in a movie in your opinion? No one, i guess.


You sound woke. What would your parents think when they found out?


That's not a glaring problem with the movement, it's a glaring problem with the industry.


Exactly. To this very day, Hollywood has been exploiting actors with nudity. Its focus on nudity and sex makes it virtually impossible to not demean yourself as an actor or to regret your choices.


Yeah, and the movement is actually about going against this - but given that they scapegoated one perv while concealing all the others really tells you how little they're willing to change to protect anyone, even children working in film and tv.
