Terrible ending

Terrible writing again


At least they finally killed the show.




I agree. No tension. No emotion. No logic.


I thought there was lots of tension, I was on the edge of my seat the entire episode.

I am just mad they made us wait a decade just to murder him. What kind of bullshit is that?


i agree with the tension part. you really didn't know what was going to happen.

dexter dying was bound to happen.


You watched a show for 10 years hoping he would get caught? I don't get this. That's enjoyable to you?


Is this to me? I didn’t want him to get caught. I was hoping him and Harrison would end up in LA like they planned!


I guess I misunderstood this:

"I am just mad they made us wait a decade just to murder him. What kind of bullshit is that?"


Okay, I rewatched the last episode and did enjoy it more. It did have tension. The first time I saw it I was a bit distracted. Still, I thought the ending was a bit rushed and not logical. I mean, it was maybe too logical. Harrison all of a sudden jumps to the conclusion that Dexter must die and is cold enough to do it. I didn't find it believable.

I think a better ending would have been if Harrison learned about the code and started using it. But Dexter, trying to stop him, gets in the way and gets killed. Maybe that would have been too predictable. Or, if his girlfriend, in trying to stop him, ended up shooting and killing Harrison. That would have been a good twist, right? Or too much like Deb and Rita.

I know, Dexter and Harrison get away, but Batista sees them on the way out of town, chases them, arrests Harrison and shoots Dexter. "This is for Maria!"


I don't mind Dexter actually dying. Him getting caught or dying at this point is simply realistic. I'm just not crazy about how they got there.
