
I knew that Deb would show up as ghost deb but GEEZE why hasn't Dex killed himself. So for 10 years ghost Deb has been bitching and screaming at every day telling how bad he is.
I thought ghost deb was a good idea and supply alot of comic relief with her potty mouth but so far i can't belive Dexter has sliced his own throat.


Well up until recently she was having calm normal conversations with him and sleeping beside him saying how proud she was of him for not killing, only once he started killing again shes been yelling and bitching at him.


She's a bit overkill at the moment, pardon the pun...


I like the idea that Deb has replaced Harry as the ghost - but I wish she weren’t screaming and yelling like a shrew all the time and be more like Deb, the likable character we knew and loved in the original series. She also is way off on her assessment of situations (especially in the case of Harrison) whereas Harry wasn’t off the mark. He would have known.


Deb basically represented the part of Dexter that was hoping Harrison was normal, she was desperately hanging on to Harrison not being a killer. So its not like she couldn't read the situation, it was really just that little piece of Dexter that was in denial and hoping Harrison was telling the truth.


YES! Good Lord listening to her is awful, shrew is the perfect word for her, it grates on your nerves.


She acts that way because she's the part of Dexter that hates himself as he used to be

It makes sense

Still annoying though


she gives me a headache


She's fucking ruining the show for me.
