Was this show worth making?


“And Just Like That” certainly threw out the rule book in its first outing. But it also never truly made the case for its own existence.


I haven't watched it, but it seems like it only exists to make money off it.


Of all the crappy reboots with the goal of destroying the original, this has to be the worst. If the actors hadn’t been directly involved in the creative process they could sue as this very well could ruin their careers.

All is not lost though. Some great channels have sprung up having a laugh at this atrocious production.

Across the board it’s hated. From real housewives to dungeon drag queens. One thing it’s accomplished is bringing everyone together in their disdain for this load of pants.


Never watched it but it seems like they have milked this thing to death and probably should have quit at the first movie. To do another comeback now minus one of the main women and kill off Mr Big seems really silly to me.

None of these women have aged well either.


I find it pretty lame to pronounce judgements on stuff without even viewing it.


I think it's lame they are still trying to beat this dead horse.


No way to know if it's dead without actually watching.


At least it's honest. People go overboard with makeup and procedures to look better. I had to view images and clips from S&TC to see what a difference time makes. While I will miss their more attractive selves, I still enjoyed the show.
