MovieChat Forums > Heart of Stone (2023) Discussion > Fun romp, make it a franchise. 8/10

Fun romp, make it a franchise. 8/10

DISCLAIMER: If you're one of those 'cinephile' letterboxd patrons who buys every Criterion release, makes liking A24 part of your identity and worships the altars of Bergmann and Kurosawa etc, then don't bother watching this, it won't stroke your hipster ego.

Another Netflix banger. Does exactly what you expect and want of it. In another timeline this would have been a theatrical release and grossed hundreds of million. Some of the dorks who'll tell you this sucks are the same fools who'll tell you how much they love a lot of the cheesy early Bond movies from the 60s - 80s.

Action set pieces across the globe and some twists & turns. Entertaining movie. Looks fresh and modern, evidently a decently high budget production.

I already see the snobby gits turning their noses up at it. "Hehe guys, the latest you'll forget it all the day after seeing it Netflix written by an AI flick just dropped, hehe." Stick to watching your 'German expressionism' flicks you muppets.


This felt flat and soulless to me! 2/10


It is not horrible, it is just a generic mission impossible variety now saturating the market, but not everyone is Tom Cruise.

If you liked this, I would recommend "Ghosted" and "Citadel", the same formula, the same over the top spy action nonsense, you won't be able to tell them apart.


it's exactly like they Citadel


it really had lots of potential and started strong but unfortunately its a dud..


I'm sure Gadot is desperately looking for a franchise given that it seems she's done as Wonder Woman. She must have had high hopes for this.


I feel personally attacked by your introduction.
