Was Jim miscast?

Should they have chosen a different actor for the role of Jim Preston?

Seems to me like this was the wrong role for Chris Pratt.


it was the only film i liked him in


Maybe a less-attractive guy so it would make more sense why Lawrence’s character would be repulsed by him and his actions.


You mean his actions weren't enough? This is no Disney's Sleeping Beauty.


True, but they could have got someone whose charisma wouldn't blindside the audience. Freddie Highmore would have been perfect.


I think you are quite wrong for the exact reason that you cite. The fact that he is so good-looking and charismatic put into even stronger relief her repulsion at his ACTIONS.

I think he was quite good in this role.


I agree. A less attractive man would further establish the point that he took advantage of her, getting in bed with her only because he was the only man around.

With Platt, you can believe Jennifer Lawrence would date him legit, whether he was the only man available


They were originally going to cast Keanu Reeves as Jim, but that didn't work out for some reason.


Probably thought the age difference between Lawrence and Reeves would be too much


I think that would have been the same problem if Emily Blunt had gotten the role like she was originally supposed to.

