Huge plot hole

Why did Clark Kent ignore everything after Gotham City fell to Bane? Obviously if the writers were paying attention, Superman would have came in and crushed Bane and his army


Superman doesn’t exist in this universe


But Superman and also Wonder Woman are in the universe. They both showed up a couple of films later


Those films aren’t in the same universe. Batman Begins, The Dark Knight and The Dark Knight Rises are not part of the DCEU


Ok thanks. So I guess DC really screwed up here after Batman Begins, Because Superman Returns came out a year later and that film was a bust. That film should have been Man of Steel and should have been set in this universe with Batman. You still could have had a stand alone Batman film in The Dark Knight but in The Dark Knight Rises, that film could have introduced both Superman and Wonder Woman to free Gotham City against Bane. This film could have been what was the mess that became Batman V Superman. Then the villain in Justice League could have been Lex Luthor and Doomsday instead of the silly alien invasion that we got in Justice League. Marvel really beat down DC in these superhero movies with their vision that DC lacked


That sounds like the worst idea I have ever heard of. The Nolan universe takes place in the real world therefore fantasy elements would not have any place in it. Did you seriously not know that the Nolan films and the DCEU were not connected? Did you think Batman Begins was a sequel to Batman and Robin?

I'm starting to think you are trolling. Introducing the Justice League in The Dark Knight Rises would have been the stupidest decision ever, not every franchise has to be this interconnected universe, films can stand on their own and be good.


Wrong. Nolan sent me a message before after reading this thread and loved the idea and wished he thought of it


Troll confirmed, you are really bad at this.


Racist confirmed you are


What? Where did that come from?

Also when did you turn into Yoda?


Your posting history reflects that you voted for Trump. So you are a racist


hes messaging me like a pyscho too cause I said TDKR had flaws. hes a trumpets conservative, but is guaranteed on welfare


You're the one telling me to kill myself.


Yes hes not a very nice person


LOL good one.


Not only are you not nice and a racist but you are also jealous of me because my post before got the attention of Christopher Nolan


Ha, and yet you can't provide evidence of either.


Voting for Trump is an admission of racism


You can say that all you want but it doesn't make it so. Again you voted for Biden who used to pall around with the KKK so what does that say about you? I also promise I have done more for underprivileged often times minority children than you ever did so get off your pedestal, you don't actually care about ending racism, all you want to do is feel good about yourself, it's all about you because you're a narcissist.


hes on the verge LOOL


I am no narcissist. I was the one who apologized for my past white privilege. Have you?


LOL you are the one who thinks anyone who dares to think differently than you is somehow racist, you are very much a narcissist. Get over yourself kid, your opinion isn't all that important.


hes a lonely lonely person. he messaged me saying "im showing all my students what you wrote"

then it changed to "im showing all my colleagues"

the guy is literally making up people in his head.... but ehh so alone he couldn't even makeup "showing friends". that's just sad


LOL so you can't vote for Trump and not be a racist? You voted for Biden who used to pal around with the KKK. Biden's also the one who told a group of African Americans that if they don't vote a certain way then "they ain't black". Sounds like you're the one with the race problem.


You are a racist and if you continue on, I'm going to tell my college professor about you


LOL, your college professor is either nonexistent or works at a diploma mill. I refuse to believe someone like you actually made it into college.


How insulting you are. By the way, I just told him what you said about him


LOL coming from the person who just called me racist, you are no one to preach about civility. Go cry to your diploma mill "professor"


Once Biden is in the White House, every Trump voter should have to go to mandatory re education classes in which they all must either apologize for their white privilege or acknowledge they are an Uncle Tom and understand the history behind it


OK Hitler

Also I'm not sure if you are aware but the term "Uncle Tom" is considered to be racist. Comical Irony Alert.

EDIT: I don't even have to try to expose your racism, you are doing the job for me, LOL you are so bad at this. I'm starting to think you are a Trump supporter who is trolling and trying to make liberals look crazy. I bet your “professor” told you to do that


How dare you accuse me of treason. You take that back right now!


Yep you're definitely a Trump supporter who's just trying to say the most absurd things he can to try to make liberals look irrational. It's very immature and you're a troll. Grow up kid.


Over the weekend? I bet he was pleased.


If that is true then can you explain why Trump won a higher percentage of the black vote in this election than last time?


Because there are a lot of Uncle Tom's out there. My college professor gave us all a big speech on this and the dangers of seeing African Americans supporting Trump


Progs, I doubt he means what he says, the term "Uncle Tom" is by definition a racist phrase and no rational person in today's society would ever use it. He's definitely a Trump supporter posing as a liberal who is just saying the most absurd things he can to make the left look crazy.

As for your question he won a higher percentage of the black vote because his policies lowered African American unemployment and lowered poverty among African Americans, he gave them opportunities that no liberal has ever done before. On the other hand the DemoKKKrat position is to take away guns, defund the police but let violent criminal thugs out of prison, so I think some realized they would not be safe if the left gets their way. I also think many are starting to see through the BLM nonsense and realize it's not about protecting anyone's life but it's just an excuse to riot and burn the system down. It definitely takes courage though to be an African American conservative in the United States because you risk being called an "Uncle Tom" and are open to all kinds of racist attacks by the DemoKKKrats.

EDIT: This kid will not stop talking about his "college professor", I'm still looking into this but I highly doubt this professor even exists.


Ok so you finally figured it out. Trump also did the crime reform bill that Biden helped write in the 90s


So it took Trump less than 4 years to do what Biden couldn't do in over 2 decades? Yeah sounds about right.


The moment I read that racial slur I just facepalmed.

And everything you wrote I couldn't agree more. Whoever this 'college professor' is, they're certainly not tutoring Millsey in independent thought.


Me too, what's so ironic is that he is the very thing he claims to be against. I wouldn't take him very seriously, he's either a very immature troll or a coward who would never use that racial slur in real life, he only says it when hiding behind a computer screen. Again I doubt this "professor" even exists, either that or he works at a diploma mill because he certainly didn't educate milsey to think independently.

He also told me that the riots last summer were justified because they were and I quote "reparations for slavery", so basically innocent people who never owned slaves and I am about 99.99999% positive would never condone slavery deserved to have their homes torched, their businesses looted and assaulted by his "logic". He also admitted that he would only actually protest a black life taken if it was taken by a white cop (even if it's a justified killing), if a black life is taken by a gang member he couldn't care less.


Superman doesn't want Gotham to end up as a crater, so he was probably using his powers and/or influence to keep the US military from responding with a bunch of SEALs.

Because it's kind of weird that Gotham was under literal nuclear threat for literally months in-movie-universe and the government did **** all.

Plus Supes knows Bats can handle anything with the gizmo belt and the fancy cars.


Think of these events occurring just prior to "Superman Returns" where he was off-world in a ship searching for remnants of his home world. Wonder Woman was still in Themyscira.
