Ep 3 was hilarious

I haven’t laughed this much for a tv show in I don’t know how long. Side-stitchin’ belly laughs for that sunset cruise scene.


What exactly was hilarious to you Who???

The RICH woman (the ALCOHOLIC) who complains about having a mother with a BORDERLINE PERSONALITY DISORDER (who used her MONEY as a way to MANIPULATE other people) pretty much sums up what the rest of the GUESTS are doing which, imo, is pretty PATHETIC rather than amusing.

Because Shane is most likely also a BORDERLINE PERSONALITY as well who also uses his MONEY as a way to MANIPULATE others (like ARMOND and his wife).

And the woman with the DEAD BORDERLINE MOTHER is probably also using her MONEY as a way to MANIPULATE the other girl that she said she was willing to FUND a BUSINESS for (meaning she probably also has NO INTENTION of ever doing so and only says that as a way to get her way when she's making appointments to get massages).

Thus this other girl who has to work until 7pm finds someone else to cover for her (which probably also COSTS her MONEY to pay them), and then she'll end up with NOTHING but other EXPENSES when this RICH BITCH leaves at the end week.

PLUS we discovered that QUINN is also a SEX ADDICT (just like his sister said he was), and with a HINT that SHANE's wife will probably also end up screwing QUINN as a way to get back at Shane for flirting with QUINN's sister.

And QUINN's sister is also JEALOUS of her other friend screwing the other guy who works at the SPA.

So where's the HUMOR???

What am I missing???



This is a dark comedy of errors. Why watch it if you don’t get the humor? It is all way too absurd to be a drama.

The New Yorker calls it a “tragicomedy” so maybe this will help you understand what you’re watching: https://www.newyorker.com/magazine/2021/08/02/the-brilliant-biting-social-satire-of-the-white-lotus


I watch it because I LOVE the WRITER (MIKE WHITE) who also wrote HBO's other show called ENLIGHTENED.

Have you seen it???

Laura Dern had a starring role in it.

Here's the CONCLUSION of a RECAP that I've just read that also SUMS up the SITUATION that's taking place pretty well:


>>Today’s episode can be described rightly in Mark’s words to his son – You know what’s real? Gay, straight, whatever, we’re all just monkeys, we’re just f*cking monkeys, driven by base instincts to create these hierarchies and hump each other.

In other words, I also still stand by how PATHETIC the lives of these characters are, but at the same time they're also a very fascinating and entertaining group of people to watch. It's just I don't find very much about them to be as hilarious as you do.

Except for maybe the scene where ARMOND asks MARK if he'd like to find out what ANAL SEX was like and he said that he'd take a RAIN CHECK. Which probably also means OLIVIA is right about her father being HOMOPHOBIC -- because he probably also does have those kind of tendencies himself. Which probably also means MARK's going to take ARMOND up on his offer at some point. Especially if he stays as DRUNK from now on as he was throughout this episode.

As for being ABSURD ...

what about the ENDING of SHAKESPEAR'S HAMLET???

Would you also call that story a COMEDY of errors as well???

Most people call it a TRAGEDY.

And since someone DIES before the end of the week, surely this is also more than just a DARK COMEDY that we're watching???


Anyhow, unlike the case is with you, I was mostly HORRIFIED by what was happening and didn't do very much laughing about what was going on.

And I was also very disappointed that we didn't get to MEET Shane's mother this week. Because we're also already HALF WAY through the STORY now, and it would be NICE to spend more time with what I suspect will be the "HUMAN REMAINS" inside of that COFFIN BOX that we saw being loaded onto the plane when the story began.


Just saw the EDIT to your last message and want to thank you for the LINK:

The Brilliant, Biting Social Satire of “The White Lotus”

Mike White’s HBO tragicomedy is one of the best shows of the year.

Because the HEADING of the ARTICLE also SUMS up the SITUATION even better !!!


is definitely an OUTSTANDING way to describe it !!!


I love Mike White’s work too. I even liked him as a contestant on Survivor and when he ran The Amazing Race with his Dad. Was bummed when Enlightened didn’t get another season.

Sure, grief, substance abuse, mental illness are stone cold serious issues, but the comedy comes in setting this story and characters at an idyllic resort for the super-rich. They all paid top dollar for a ticket to paradise but discover they can’t escape real world problems no matter what the price.

The funniest part of the cruise was watching that smug, spoiled man-child’s face when his subpar effort at planning romance for his bride went sour. Really big of him to run to the resort manager and just order up a romantic evening like it was on the room service menu. Can’t wait for the mother to arrive. Molly Shannon is brilliant.


Since we saw PREVIEWS of her last week, that's why I was so BUMMED not to meet her this week.

Then the DAMN DVR also stopped this week prior to being able to see any PREVIEWS for next week.

Did they show anything that indicates she'll arrive next SUNDAY???

FOUND THIS which also sounds like SHANE's MANIPULATIVE MAMA will arrive this week:


Below, we have the full The White Lotus episode 4 synopsis with some more news as to what lies ahead:

>>After Shane (Jake Lacy) shoots down her latest career plans, Rachel (Alexandra Daddario) is further blindsided by an unexpected arrival. Just as Belinda (Natasha Rothwell) begins to take her business proposition seriously, Tanya’s (Jennifer Coolidge) attention turns to an intriguing hotel guest. Meanwhile, Armond’s (Murray Bartlett) renewed commitment to sobriety is put to the test.


It was interesting to me that the only thing Shane got out of the boat ride was that Tonya's attempt at scattering her mother's ashes interrupted his effort to placate Rachel's wish for another facet to their relationship other than sex. The entire raw emotional experience that Tonya (Jennifer Coolidge) went through was utterly lost on him. Did y'all notice that Rachel (Alexandra Daddario) WAS affected by her meltdown? She remained quiet. But I see a torrent brewing.

Also, talk about the floodgates being open wide. Armond is out of control. I think the kid that works at the hotel is Dillon (with the man bun).

How about the sick family dynamic: Nicole, Mark, Olivia, and Quinn. Olivia's face lit up in delight at Quinn's distress over losing all of his devices in the tide. Utter delight and lying about having bullied him to leave the hotel room. And the parent's complete negligence. They don't seem to register the son's feelings at all. An interesting exchange between the father and son. Weird, but something.

I guess I'm glad it isn't streaming or I already would have watched the whole thing.

Opinions, observations, anyone?


Hello Beth Welcome to the forum !!!

My theory is SHANE'S Mama is the HUMAN REMAINS in that COFFIN BOX that we see being loaded onto the plane at the start of the story. If that's right, then SHANE will also have become like TONYA by the end of the story (due to the way he'll also have lost his mother like she's lost her mother).

And YES you're right about how upset RACHEL was because she also wants a HUG due to her feeling DISTRESS at what she witnessed.

And it was also already suggested that Nicole get another room for QUINN, which is also ODD that she wouldn't do that. And that also made me wonder if she wants him in the room as a way to keep her daughter from having sex with her friend PAULA. Because apparently MONEY isn't an ISSUE or the reason why she doesn't get a ROOM for her son. And she also orders him another phone.

Did you see RACHEL try to hide her body when QUINN was looking at it??? I've got a feeling he's going to get LUCKY before the end of the week and RACHEL's going to have sex with him as a PAY BACK for SHANE flirting around with OLIVIA.

And Mark will probably also have a sexual encounter with ARMOND (due to the way he'll probably also stay as drunk as we saw him this week for the rest of his stay at the WHITE LOTUS).

NOTE the way he also said that he'd TAKE a RAIN CHECK after ARMOND offered to show him what having anal sex was like.

MOST of all I'm looking forward to MEETING SHANE's MAMA who will probably be even WORSE than SHANE (because she's probably also the one that taught Shane's the way that he behaves with ARMOND).

And I also suspect that SHANE's mother is also a BORDERLINE PERSONALITY (like TONYA's mom) who also uses her MONEY as a way to MANIPULATE other people.

And that probably also means she'll be trying to MANIPULATE all of the GUEST and STAFF when she shows up.

And it will also be interesting to see how ARMOND will deal with her. And how upset RACHEL will be when she shows up for what's suppose to be her HONEYMOON.



I thought it was interesting that Tonya remembered every word of that song Belinda sang when she was giving Tonya a treatment that was not quite a massage. Then Tonya seemed like she became obsessed with Belinda right afterwards. She sang it as though it was a hymn.

I don't see Mark experimenting with Armond, although he is trying to get a grip on the fact that his father was gay. It's as if he'd never given any thought to what it's like to be gay. I took his remark "I'll take a rain check," as being a semi-polite way of refusing. You could see his alcohol-addled mind slowly figure out what Armond had said. But you never know, he spoke of how there was nothing between himself and his wife any longer.

Molly Shannon is playing Shane's mother, isn't she? It's very difficult to imagine what his mother will be like. Pretty gutsy crashing your son's honeymoon.


Since the song was more like a CHANT where you keep repeating the same thing again, that's probably the reason why it was so easy for Tonya to remember it.

So it was probably also sort of like a form of MEDITATION where you repeat something as a way to try and RELAX and let go of the STRESS you're feeling???

Since his wife rejects him when he acts like a MONKEY, and his son is a SEX ADDICT, if MARK is anything like his son, and gets DRUNK enough, I could also see ARMOND coming on to MARK again (because ARMOND is also STONED out of his mind as well from using the DRUG STASH of MARK's daughter ).

So if you've got 2 WASTED characters who are HALF OUT of their MINDS like MARK and ARMOND, then my guess would be anything could happen.

Add to that SHANE and his MOTHER harassing ARMOND NON STOP, and surely something's going to EXPLODE before the end of this story???

I'm also thinking that maybe MARK is also questioning his own SEXUALITY now due to finding out his father was GAY when he also had the impression he was some kind of a MANCHO HETERO???

And YES it is pretty GUTSY for Shane's mother to CRASH his HONEYMOON, but since SHANE also won't LET GO of not being in the HONEYMOON ROOM, one can also see how he probably got to be that way from his MOTHER who might be even WORSE than he is.

So things should probably also LIVEN UP quite a bit once she arrives at that SPA.

I'm also thinking she and TONYA might HOOK UP (because she might also remind Tonya of her own mother for some reason -- especially if both her mom and Shane's mom are also both BORDERLINE PERSONALITIES).

Of course that would probably also END the OBSESSION that Tonya has now with BELINDA once Tonya has another NEW FRIEND to CLING onto???



Yeah you sound like a lot of fun at parties. SHEEESH!


You sound like you never get invited to parties.
* - and now we know why.



lol way to snitch. wimp.


totally agree ,

extremely witty , a lot of slow atmosphere creating confusing and embarrassing situations for the characters , super funny!!


Ep 4 was more subdued but buidling more tensions between the characters. We learn Olivia has history of seducing Paula’s boyfriend and is moving in on Kai. Tanya is making a lot of airy promises to Belinda but drops her like a hot potato when a guy asks her out. The MIL has made the already tense Shane/Rachel relationship worse. Welearn more about Mark and Nicole’s rocky marriage. Quinn is looking for bros to commune with, and yearns to join the Hawaiian outrigger crew. Armond is just digging his own grave as he keeps indulging in the backpack of drugs.

Will we ever see Lani again? What was the symbolism of her giving birth in episode 1?


Yes I think LANI will be back again. Perhaps giving BIRTH was SYMBOLIC of a NEW AGE which is about to DESCEND upon the ISLAND when KAI wins the LAW SUIT and he and his brothers are given their LAND back again (which would also mean THE WHITE LOTUS belongs to HIM and HIS FAMILY now)???

Then QUINN might also decide to STAY ON there and WORK for THEM as a member of their STAFF???


It doesn't matter whether we think the right things or the wrong things, we all do the same shit'.

He's learning a LOT about LIFE now that he's without a CELL PHONE and is able to LOOK AROUND at what goes on in the WORLD.

I've also FOUND LOTS of other interesting ideas in the VULTURE REVIEW/RECAP of this week's eppy.

Here's how it begins:


>>The White Lotus has been circling the possibility that it’s a show with something to say, but this week, Mike White finally lands the plane (sort of). The rich, white hotel guests — smiling, damaged — are each presented a chance to show what they’re about. One by one, they arrive at the same answer: themselves.


And Here's what it says about PAULA:

“Tricky” is the word she chooses for Olivia, her **BORDERLINE FRENEMY.** She can’t tell Liv about Kai because Liv is the hotel developer in their relationship, with a history of taking what’s Paula’s if she wants it. But what does it say about Paula that they’re still friends, that she said yes to this trip?

Love the BORDERLINE FRENEMY description !!!

What's interesting about this ASTUTE OBSERVATION is the way that it CLEVERY TIES in with the way that Rachel is also putting up with Shane. NOTE the way that RACHEL previously also said that she'd come from a BACKGROUND unlike her husband (which is also why her mother can't afford a plane ticket to HAWAII).

And here's what it says about QUINN:

>>Quinn, permanently bunking on the beach now, stares out at the glassy blue sea as local guys paddle an outrigger canoe, bonding in the exact way his father is trying to force.

>>When Mark confesses he bought Nicole’s $75K worth of bracelets after cheating on her, it doesn’t make father and son closer. It sends Quinn back to the ocean to befriend the watermen. Real relationships have to grow organically in the real world. (Sidenote: I felt oddly proud of Nicole’s poor, alienated rich, white son for introducing himself. Turns out he’s not a misanthrope; he just hates everyone he knows.)

So HORRAY for QUINN and the way that he seems to have found some HAPPINESS at last now that he no longer has his NOSE STUCK in the CELL PHONE all of the time.



Interesting theory about Kai and the lawsuit. He could also be feeding Paula bs about his Hawaiian heritage or exaggerating his story as a way to seduce guilty, rich, pretty guests. Funny how Paula and Quinn are the ones most interested in the locals and most sensitive to their exploitation by the tourism trade.

Paula and Rachel are in similar predicaments as being the non-paying tag-along guest (presumably), beholden to the whims and demands of the paying guest. Mark can also be compared to those two. He seems like the older version of Rachel as the more submissive partner in his marriage.

Agree, they are all self-absorbed narcissists. I feel sorry for Belinda putting her hopes in flakey Tanya. Just get a feeling Tanya won’t come through with her promise in the end. But perhaps Belinda just needed a jolt of inspiration and will find a way to start her own business with or without Tanya’s money.

Quinn is turning out to be the most sincere and pure character. He gives in to his sisters spoiled territorial demands and his father’s self-serving SCUBA lessons. Now he is discovering the true beauty of Hawaii, seeing whales, waves, and the canoe crew. Hope this doesn’t mean he will be the one who ends up in the box. The show is very cynical so it would not surprise me if gentle Quinn is the victim at the bottom of The White Lotus’ swirling pool of self-absorbtion.


I'm thinking that guy TANYA screwed (who also said he has 300 other COPS working under him), might be there to investigate this LAW SUIT (which would also mean what KAI told PAULA is the truth).

But someone else also suggested MAYBE it's THAT GUY who's REMAINS will end up inside of that COFFIN BOX (especially if he turns out to work for the OTHER SIDE instead of for the side of KAI and his family)???

That would also be interesting to have SHANE's mom FAKE her DEATH and then send the remains of this other guy back to be buried. And then Shane could also collect life insurance on his mom and control her estate (if there's anything left of it and she hasn't pissed it all away).

I'm also thinking RACHEL will write another article about NICOLE and her family that might put an end to NICOLE's career (which could also make it interesting to see if MARK would also decide to stay there in HAWAII with his son rather than GO HOME again with his wife). And maybe he'd also become the lover of ARMOND???

I'm also thinking BELINDA comes out on top by being able to tell TANYA to TAKE A HIKE after KAI becomes the NEW OWNER of the WHITE LOTUS. Because then KAI could also let Belinda have the SPA in her own name.

IF QUINN ends up dead then MARK WHITE would probably also never hear the END of it.

So here's keeping all of the fingers crossed that's NOT going to happen!!!

