MovieChat Forums > Evil Dead Rise (2023) Discussion > Probably the weakest in the series

Probably the weakest in the series

I give the first a BIG pass due to the age/experience of the cast and crew.

The first two films and TV show are a semi reboot in part to the original. The following two films are a reboot.

The first three are very different from eachother which I really enjoy.

The 2013 film was the first to not Rely on Ash and it upped the gore and tension. Though, it did rely on "fuck" a lot.

The 2023 one was more of a copy of the 2013 gore with a little too much FSN service. It works in the TV show as we're following ash. But it felt awkward.

It's shot well and much of the acting is good. It just feels more like a product than a film. Go ahead and agree or disagree. I'd love to hear your thoughts. Please don't just dismissed stuff because of woke seeking.


I agree with pretty much everything you said.


Definitely the weakest.


Evil Dead Rise 2 is in pre production!


Good for them.


Open your mouths for the shovelfuls that are incoming.


Ehh I just can’t imagine what they will do with it tbh.. more cgi zombie gore I’m


Not sure! Lee Cronin will stay on as a writer but they are looking at different directors as they want to keep cost down.


I thought it was better than the 2013 remake, but unpleasant and disturbing while not being particularly scary. Gore for gore's sake, and tons of it. I found the torture/mutilation/murder of the young teens particularly distasteful, and the stuff the little girl goes through was almost too much for me. I almost stopped watching the film during the elevator blood scene, it was just so unpleasant. Just a big pile of yuck. It would have been more tolerable if it were adults like the other films, but there's just something about young folk, especially young children, being dismembered and cut with knives and threatened with chainsaw beheadings and such that just doesn't scream "ENTERTAINMENT" to me.

The opening was nice though, and the film is very stylish throughout, just kind of soulless and sleazy and horrible content-wise. I'm all for a good gory horror film, but this was, I don't know, a bit much. Just unpleasant. Even the ending was horrible; I guess it's technically a "good" ending, but ultimately many people were horribly mutilated and chopped up, so, unhappy ending?

It was a film without any kind of morals or sense of goodness. Heck Evil Dead 2 at least has a wacky slapstick sense of humor that fits perfectly with the mounds of gore. This was just over the top violence with very little of the wink wink, nudge nudge factor of the original trilogy. Not terrible, but blah.


Well the gore is really all it has going for it - without that what exactly would we have here? I found it very soulless and actually was bored by the end


You'd never know this was deemed the weakest of the series the way fans went on and on about this when it came out like it was the greatest since the 1st movie?? Especially over at Bloody Disgusting's forum??


It was weak regardless of the hype it got.


I agree with you completely.. I watched Evil Dead Rise last night and I feel so underwhelmed - it’s just another nice looking cgi gore-fest.. the tension and scares are non existent - I have seen
This movie already(the 2013 version is pretty similar) and it’s just meh to me at this point

Not a huge zombie genre fan but The original Evil Dead worked because it was very original and was creepy and practical effects. I watch modern zombie flicks that are cgi and I’m sorry but I’m just bored. Most cgi takes me out of a movie very quickly




LOL I say the same thing about 99% of the modern movies I watch - very rarely do I ever remember them a few days later


I try to remember but I'm getting too old.


I remember when their eyes went from fire red to white in the hallway. That was actually the part I realized that the lack of white contact lenses was a big reason for my disconnect.

The 2013 did this too and I prefer the white contacts as it suggests no soul.


It should not have been titled as an Evil Dead movie.
As a reasonably decent possession type move it was satisfactory enough, I did not hate it.

But compared to the OT and the excellent remake it did't really fit.

I suspect it was a random script that was halfway decent and floating around so someone purchased it and retitled it to give it some 'gravitas' if that is the correct term.
This happens a lot.


You're probably right.
