MovieChat Forums > The Irishman (2019) Discussion > I thought we'd be seeing Taxi Driver DeN...

I thought we'd be seeing Taxi Driver DeNiro, but instead...

It's Analyze This-era DeNiro.

Is it that hard to achieve that with just make-up alone and some minor CGI touch ups?


I agree I was expecting them to reveal Mean Streets era De Niro when they said he would be in his 30s in the role, the last shot from the trailer looked like De Niro in Casino.

Or maybe they will and just aren’t putting it in the trailers.


Why do you assume we won't be seeing 30-something Deniro in the movie?


in real life Sheehan was on his 50's during the Hoffa times. Wikipedia does say there will be some scenes with DeNiro in his 30's. As stated previously, probably not many and not shown in the trailer.


We will apparently. Given that the story will span several decades (that has been confirmed by multiple sources), seeing a 30-something Bobby D in flashbacks should definitely be expected. Apart from De Niro & Pacino themselves having talked about being de-aged 30 years+ younger for the film, one of the film’s producer even said that De Niro will indeed be looking like he did in Godfather 2 (reports say he’ll be seen as young as 24). As is, it’s apparent the first trailer revealed very little.

Also, keep in mind the film cost over $150+ million to produce (by no means is that the kind of budget crime films are known for carrying). And as you might’ve guessed, that was mainly due to the visual effects that were needed to make the actors look younger... much younger than they were in 1999.

With all that said, it should be obvious they are saving the best for last. Besides, it’s possible the effects were still far from finished when the first trailer dropped. It’s really going to be interesting to see how far they’re gonna go with the de-aging.


He looked absolutely NOTHING like he did in Godfather, unfortunately. It was even hard to pass him off as a 30-40 year old.
