6.5 is too high

if WW84 is at 5.4 then this should be comparable.. like 5.6


also GB2 is 6.6


No, it should be higher, at least a 7.5.


Fake Rating. It's really 5.2: https://www.imdb.com/title/tt1289401/ratings/?ref_=tt_ov_rt#void


Well, from what i understand, most of the 1's are from haters, and all of 10's are from leftists, liberals, woke crowd and others. 6 seems like most correct rating.


Pretty close, but 5 would actually be the most correct rating and IS the rating it sat at for years before the sudden and unexplained jump by almost 2 points that occurred more recently. What could possibly justify such a major abrupt ratings jump?? It trended ALL the way up to a 6.9, managing to jump up ahead of Ghostbusters 2. I've never once prior to this POS flick heard of such a highly unusual voting trajectory and administrative manipulations taking place on an IMDb movie page. Not ONCE.

This movie is almost definitely a citable turning point when politically correct wokeness, which while not new, essentially 'Pearl Harbored' its way through Hollywood and entertainment culture, putting us in an ongoing war ever since.


Lol, so they rated the females higher considering all the males were 5.0 at most and females were 6.4 at most.


Personally I give it a 7/10. Would like to see a sequel with more of the new ghostbusters (kids/YA).


Wrong forum - this is the disaster that is Ghostbusters 2016 (aka Girlbusters).
(That's ok, just type the name of 2021 movie into the search bar, and the forums will come up.)



Yes, wrong film.


Its crept up to 6.9!? WTF?

GB:AL is only 7.1! I expect it'll surpass that next time I bother to look!


At the rate it's going, it could theoretically surpass even the original Ghostbusters. I wish I was joking, but this fucking movie sat at 5/10 for years before climbing up to nearly a 7/10 seemingly overnight. With just another year on the same trajectory, a top 250-level score would be possible.

And I'm sure IMDb, which went out of its way to protect the movie from 'unusual activity', would look into this very unusual and unexplained ratings jump were it brought to their attention, right??
(No - the answer is no.)


Also the imdb forums got shut down around the time of all the GB2016 hoohah .. Hmm


Since the fake, rigged score is still up, and with the same rigging saga having recently reared its ugly head with another movie (woke Little Mermaid), how about one more rant?

Only a very obviously, self-evidently BAD movie would need these kind of protections and manipulations. Plain and simple, a movie has to strike a cord of being egregiously poorly executed in some significant way to inspire a level of public hatred, so strong that Hollywood, journalistic media AND film websites have to ban together in trying to suppress it (or specifically for any movies with woke-lefty principles behind them).

The fact that the media spent more time smearing people who disliked this movie than defending it on its own merits, tells you how badly it failed. The fact that there isn't a SINGLE memorable scene or quote to come out of the movie (because have you ever met an actual fan?), tells you how badly it failed. Especially in light of the franchise-birthing movie it bears connection to - a classic that is still quoted and referenced after 40 years. And as I've mentioned elsewhere, the fact that an embarrassed Sony studios quickly shelved a sequel, and then a much better Ghostbusters movie was created as a (MUCH needed) apology to the fanbase tells you how badly it failed.

Yet despite these facts, you have utter imbeciles in these threads who spew unthinking bullshit such as "it was voted against by manbaby TROLLS who never watched it" or "people didn't give it a fair shot originally due to TROLLS". Ok you bitches, let's go ahead and assume that downvote/'review bomb' sabotage is real (even though it reeks of a media-invented conspiracy theory to stifle criticism of pre-approved movies). Can you think any other instances where this type of thing has hurt movies that would otherwise have NOT so been badly received by the public? Sure, you've heard of movies ranging from highly-acclaimed to under-acclaimed having their share of people who heavily criticize them, but how many been victims of loud and organized sabotage campaigns?

A competently made movie with enough strength of quality to stand on its own, will invariably be able to dodge being brought down by massive 'widespread review bombing'. There is something innately, unavoidably terrible about a movie that would inspire that reaction in the first place. Indeed it wasn't just that Grrlbusters pushed grrl power wokeness, and thus was sabotaged by anti-woke people. Plenty of movies have managed to avoid this treatment that promoted feministic and other politically correct themes. Mad Max: Fury Road, Black Panther, Hidden Figures, Moonlight, Wonder Woman and Barbie are some examples of these, in recent times, that actually have good reputations. It is obviously idiotic to place sole blame on 'sexist bigots' for Grrlbusters' miserable failure, when that same crowd of bigots didn't drag down these other aforementioned movies.

Some movies are just really fucking bad. In fact we all know of movies known to be so universally reviled, so embarrassingly, unwatchably bad that they were even shunned and disowned by their own film companies. Hey fun fact: Grrlbusters was shunned and disowned by Sony studios!

As far as I'm concerned, IMDb has destroyed itself. When it decided to rig this piece of shit movie's score in the name of political correctness, there was no way it was going to stop there - and indeed it didn't as we can see recently with Little (Diversity) Mermaid. They, and Rotten Tomatoes and almost the entirety of the film review industry are little more than whores now.


Spot on, the audacity they had to do a remake a classic in the first place as well. The same thing is happening with The Crow remake and the Oldboy remake. Certain films should just be left alone. The very first trailer for this abomination doesn't even have any funny moments in and surely a trailer at least contains one or two of the best jokes in the film just to get audiences to go and see it. It's also the most disliked movie trailer on YouTube.

I watched the film as well and tried to stay as fair as I possibly could but it's truly one of, if not the worst blockbusters of the 2010s and definitely the worst of 2016.
