

So shit.


It was an incredible cameo.

It's like he took all the misses he would normally have made had he started every group game and condensed them into a 45 min period. Fair play to him!


LMAO, brilliant FootOfDavros.


It was indeed memorable.

But in his defense, 2 of them the ball came to him out of nowhere and he didn't have time to react.

One of them was a good shot, but should have had better aim.

The last one, that was a bad one. He didn't have the reaction to just kick it in, flopped it with his belly.


the last opportunity was just bad.. no excuse for the miss


The last one was amazing!

If he'd had his eyes closed and the ball had just bounced off pretty much any part of his body it would have landed up in the net. Somehow he contrived to chest it back towards the keeper, taking all the pace off the ball in the process!
