MovieChat Forums > Santa Inc. (2021) Discussion > Conservative Christians should support S...

Conservative Christians should support Santa Inc. because Jews are God's Chosen People.

Conservative Christians are such hypocrites. They claim to be the biggest supporters of Israel and they call liberals anti-semites, but they attack a series made by Jews (Seth Rogen and Sarah Silverman) that is about Christmas.

So if you're a supporter of Israel, you must support Santa Inc.


What does supporting Israel have to do with a show that mocks Christianity and attacks an entire race for supposedly being privileged exploiters? Imagine if two Christians made a show mocking Judaism and attacked Jews for being a privileged people exploiting others.

I agree Conservatives calling liberals anti-Semites is bullshit. It's just conservatives kissing Jewish asses and playing the "anti Semitism" card.


Because anti-semitism is a sin. The Bible says:

Genesis 12:3: “‘I will bless them that bless thee.’ ‘And curse him that curseth thee.’

So to those Christian Conservatives who attack SANTA INC, they better treat carefully as they will invoke the wrath of God against them. They need to be reminded that the Jews are God's chosen people.



Nobody is God's chose people. Religion is stupid. Criticising people for their BEHAVIOR is not ethnic bigotry.


The Bible also explicitly states how the Jews not only rejected Christ and crucified him but also persecuted and killed his apostles and many early Christian converts.


If the Jews really wanted to stay friends with the Christians, they wouldn’t have made this show mocking Christianity.

Israel should denounce this show and apologize for its existence or else face the consequences, starting with Christian America pulling its support from Israel.


israhell is the worst country on this planet. i am conservative but not a jew cuck


OP's idiotic pretend logic is idiotic pretend logic.

Don't quit your night job(wacking off hobos).


Seth Rogen and Sarah Silverman are no longer Jews. Wokism is the religion of Marx.
The OP is just random lefty slogans, not an argument.
