two points

not defending the show as I do agree that the writing is subpar. Especially after what was created with Andor. This has brought us back to the silly ways of The Book of Boba Fett.

1) fans upset that there is a group in the galaxy that call the force by a different name and have a different view on how it works. Why is that crazy? How many different religions do we have on Earth that all have different ways of explaining the same things.

2) fans upset that the stone caught fire in the temple. First of all, we do have coal on Earth and that is flammable. Second, who is to say that this particular stone in this galaxy that is far, far away is not flammable.


Yeah, they use flammable stones to build houses, totally not brain dead.


no one said they were smart witches!


we use wood


We use it when we have to, when we don't we use bricks.


Most brick houses have wood frames.


Like I said it has to be, woods can be nailed together as the frames. If people could use no flammable alternative they would have.


so maybe the witches had no alternative to flammable stone


I highly doubt that.

A planet does not have alternatives to flammable stones is a planet with non stopping fire.


fans upset that there is a group in the galaxy that call the force by a different name and have a different view on how it works.

Nobody upset about that, you are basically controlling the narrative. PR department I am guessing?

People were upset about the immaculate conception, Anakin was supposed to be the first case.


Where was that said?


So you are not upset at all of the birth of the twin girls through force creation?


Not really. Manipulation was the way Anakin was hinted at being created as well but what's this business of Anakin supposed to be the first? I might be wrong but I don't remember that being said within the films...


Yeah, that is why Jedi made a big deal of Anakin, totally because that was a common thing.

They also said Darth Plagueis was so exceptional because he could influence midi-chlorians to create life. Apparently that was also quite a pedestrian ability.

Now I seriously question whether you are working for Disney, on a mission to downplay the controversy.

Don't give me that I criticised it first crap, because you were criticising the wrong things, distracting the criticism from the real controversial aspects of the show.


That's a ridiculous answer.

I remember Qui-Gon raising his eyebrow Roger Moore style when his mum said there was no father but I don't remember any other scene - e.g. nothing with the Jedi Council or anything discussing it further or anything, so where are you pulling this Anakin supposed to be the first case business from?

Working for Disney? Come on... You can be better than that. There's probably about 20/30 people using this site, do you really think they'd employ people cover such a small audience? Come on, seriously. Think about it...

Plus I don't even get your upset re Plagueis. We're potentially in an overlapping timeframe here and they may actually be adding to the lore. Do you seriously think it would be better if we're just supposed to think Plagueis pulled the technique out of his ass?


You see your narratives are even all the same, writing from the same script maybe, that is another sign.

You are clearly not a star wars fan if you like this, and I can't imagine anyone could be a fan of this, yet you kept encouraging people to watch it and discuss with you.

I can't imagine anyone does that other than those employed by Disney.

You just could not help it when you made the "the low ratings is due to homophobia" post, I already suspected you when you did that.


Not true. I am still very much on the fence. This show may very well go full Jack Black / Lizzo but it absolutely has not thus far...

I posted one of the very first threads on here criticising it:-

So how does that square with your ludicrous Disney employee nonsense?

All I've done is point out the embarrassingly false narratives that have been thrown up around this show, which, to my mind, appear to be trying to push a much darker agenda.

And again, talking of false narratives, are you actually going to qualify this statement that Anakin was supposed to be the first immaculate conception in the Star Wars universe?


I already told you not to give me the "I criticised it first" crap, I think you posted it just for this.

Anyway, I have no interests in having discussions with shills.


Anyway, I have no interests in having discussions with shills.

😂 Haha, Yes - I thought this is where we would be heading from the very first time I asked you to qualify your Anakin "supposed to be the first case" garbage...

I criticised things which were ACTUALLY wrong with the show not with fabricated garbage, which cannot even be supported with any evidence. Much like this b-llshit comment of yours, making stuff up re what was actually said within Lucas' own films. Some "real" Star Wars fan.


"You are clearly not a star wars fan if you like this"



It happening once before doesn't make it a common thing. And why would they automatically know about it? Can they keep track of everything that happens across the universe?


"There is a great disturbance in the force."

"I have felt it."

Of course they know. If we follow Lucas's vision about the force.


I wish I worked for the PR department. seems like easy work. Yes, and as always with prequels, they don't always add up. Can't wait to see how Alien; Romulus messes up the Alien narrative. maybe they will explain why nobody knew about these "virgin" births. (not immaculate conceptions, the most wrongly used term in the history of man).


That fire did look ridiculous. But potentially all is not as it seems re that particular scene, so let's wait and see if it was garbage.

I mean, it may well turn out that it was garbage but some suggestion that other forces were at play there...

The other force users and a potential connection to Plagueis is interesting.


The problem was the stone on fire.


I agree with you on these two points.


1. I've heard no one complain about that.

2. Burning stone is dumb. If they wanted to do that for some reason, they needed to set it up. IF they wanted a fire, make the building out of wood, show a forest near by. No one would say boo about it. It's bad writing.


The lengths you go to defend this garbage ...



It is kind of ridiculous!

That has to be the Disney shills, who else does that?
