Anya Taylor Joy ? WTF ???

I love Anya just the perfect healthy amount. Charlize is Furiosa. Period. Fury Road didn't come out so long ago that Charlize needed to be recast. If Charlize was asking for too much money, they needed to find somebody else.

They thought people were going to come out to watch a princess pretend to be hardcore ? C'mon now ?


Tom Hardy ? WTF ???

I love Tom just the perfect healthy amount, he was perfectly cast as Eddie Brock in Venom. But Mel is Max. Period. Beyond Thunderdome didn't come out so long ago that Mel needed to be recast. If Mel was asking for too much money, they needed to find somebody else.

They thought people were going to come out and believe some ugly British dude with fat lips is the "same character" that Mel Gibson played? C'mon now ?


Be more original. You couldn't be any lamer if you tried.


>> Be more original. You couldn't be any lamer if you tried. <<

Interesting. Those comments would be better advise to give to George Miller these days....


It's been nearly 10 years since Fury Road and Theron is almost 50. That's why.


I was standing at my bar pulling a shot tonight thinking just this. I like ATJ just fine. A lot actually. But Charlize she is not. That woman really carved herself a seriously impressive career. Including her unbridled fierce performance as Furiosa. And my favorite performance her guest stint on Arrested Development. They simply wern't going to put any young woman into those shoes to equal that. I don't think they made this movie right. This should have been about other people, as it largely was, with Furiosa being a guest star as Max was previously. This film focuses on the wrong parts of the backstory.


Theron wanted nothing to do with the film. She said she was miserable making Fury Road.


Tom was a total POS to her, which he has admitted to. But George also had zero empathy for her situation. That movie was made so hardcore I think he wanted his actors to be as miserable as possible. Fast forward a few years and ATJ actually wanted to shave her head and he wouldn't let her. Totally different scenario.
