Shaky Cam? Really?

I liked the movie, but what is the damn deal with every movie using this tired technique? Has technology actually REGRESSED to the point where no one can hold a camera steady anymore? Honestly, this cliche is played out, and I am tired of leaving the theatre with a minor headache (or worse), especially in a freaking COURTROOM DRAMA, where shaky cam is not the least bit appropriate. I'd like to find the people responsible for shaky cam and shake their heads off.


The first time i really noticed the shaky cam was on the FX show "The Shield," which was on several years ago. It fit in perfect with that show because it was such a freakin' totally corrupt gritty cop drama.


That's why I stopped watching this movie after 5 minutes. Just lazy camera work.

Harold, you want mayonnaise on your sandwich?
-Halloween 2


by - ttheman91 on Tue Sep 4 2012 23:05:34
That's why I stopped watching this movie after 5 minutes. Just lazy camera work.


It has nothing to do with lazy camera work, it's done for effect. Whether you like it or not is something else, but it is being used more and more these days.



I like the really quick zooms, zoom out a little, zoom back in.



As soon as I find out any movie is shaky cam, then I hold off spending theater money on it, and just wait for it on free TV.


Shaky cam is distracting and annoying. It has become a cliche. It does not simulate the reality of being there. Notice how things look to you right now, up close, and in the distance. The view isn't shaky, is it? Even when you're running, your eyes and brain compensate for the movement and provide a steady picture of your surroundings.


Agree. A great story and good acting ruined by shaky-cam. I must say that it is still watchable. And you can actually still see who does what even if the camera shakes. But it does takes a lot of fun out of the movie.


Hmmmm. . I didn't notice a shaky cam. I'm very sensitive to that because it makes me feel sick to my stomach.


I didn't notice a shaky cam, and believe me I would have cuz shaky cams make me dizzy.


I watched Jason Bourne a few days ago, and yes, that overused style was really annoying and distracting in that movie.


I thought it worked well in this movie.
