Shaky Cam? Really?

I liked the movie, but what is the damn deal with every movie using this tired technique? Has technology actually REGRESSED to the point where no one can hold a camera steady anymore? Honestly, this cliche is played out, and I am tired of leaving the theatre with a minor headache (or worse), especially in a freaking COURTROOM DRAMA, where shaky cam is not the least bit appropriate. I'd like to find the people responsible for shaky cam and shake their heads off.


I hate that shaky cam effect too and it's so overused in films now. For me it takes me out of the film every time. It's okay when a scene is showing action, but when he's just taking a drink of whiskey or whatever the camera is moving all over the place it's just ridiculous.



Agree. It is one thing to use it in action sequences but what is the point when a character is just walking around somewhere........ohhh, did you feel it when he walked around that corner in the


they think it's art.
it sucks.



Hey, the rap music was actually good in this though thanks to the output of the 80s/90s.

A Place in the Sun


THANK YOU, THANK YOU, THANK YOU, for pointing this out and starting the thread! I want to add my voice to the pack of those who find this camera fad irritating and worn out!

Those thoughts run through my mind whenever I see a movie shot with that tactic, and some movies I turn off because of it. I just forget to say anything about IT afterwards.



I never even noticed it.




I completely agree. I thought the opening scene was just going to be a one-off, but even the scene where he a nd Levin were watching the footage from the bar and were seated was all wobbly and jumping around.

Why the director would want the cinematography to be so awful is beyond me.
