MovieChat Forums > Alice, Darling (2023) Discussion > Felt sorry for the guy (and for me watch...

Felt sorry for the guy (and for me watching this crap)

So, she is so sad and miserable with him, because of him.
Sure. Welcome to adult life. Cry me a river.

How about telling him?
How about breaking up with him?

He seems like he really cares for her, or at least he tries his best, thinking she is his woman and he is her man.
Yet she hates him. Secretly.
This crappy movie wants to make us believe that we are at a point where women are always right, men are always victimizing them, and "no" does not even need to be said: it's the guy's fault if he cannot read her mind.

He is the true victim here, I felt sorry for him.
Alice OWED him an explanation and a clear talk to fix or end their relationship.
And that fat bitch owes him the damages on his car and should get sued for assault.

I would love the same movie with reversed genders to be made, just to see how long it takes to cancel everyone involved with it for being misogynist.


Are you the bloke she dated?


No, I am a person that understands the difference between normal behaviour in a couple and passive aggressive bullshit.

It is obvious which one she picks.
Don't you see that?


Can someone who's seen the movie please comment?

I want to know whether Heisenberg's idea of "normal behavior" is what the rest of us call "asshole behavior" or "abusive behavior".


1 "asshole behavior" is not watching a movie and asking others to respond to someone else's comment so then you would form your own idea on said comment

2 SHE is the one not behaving normally in my comment not him, you would understand that if you only watched it instead of asking others to do it for you

3 The guy is an asshole. Not in any major nor dangerous way, he is a tiny bit controlling. But her way of dealing with him is passive aggressive manual, the sort of cunt that would trash him so badly behind his back with her "friends" that they would assault the guy for no civilly acceptable reason, instead of JUST TELLING HIM ANYTHING (I do not agree/like this/like you/love you/want to go/want to be with you).
Seriously, the guy has ZERO clue from her.
Yet the movie thinks she is the victim.


FYI the breakups where the leaving party "DOESN'T TELL HIM ANYTHING" generally go like this: Say there's an asshole and a non-asshole in a relationship. The asshole either never listens to anything the non-asshole says, or gets angry when they hear something from the non-asshole that they don't want to hear. So it doesn't take the non-asshole long to realize that verbalizing their feelings is futile and/or dangerous, so they stop trying to make the relationship work and start on an exit strategy. While they're planning their escape the asshole thinks that everything is fine, because the asshole is getting their way all the time, and when the non-asshole leaves the asshole is stunned and starts whining that the non-asshole never said anything was wrong... when it was actually the asshole who shut down the lines of communication.

I thought you should know, because your misplaced anger makes it obvious that you've been through this, AND which role you played.


Ahaha....As always, YOU are the asshole.

I have never been in this situation or in anything similar, nor have I been on the Titanic nor in a concentration camp. Guess what, I can still sympathize with the victims.
Yet, YOU the asshole, have to make assumptions about me.

Anyway, your "general" summary of an "abusive" relationship, with all its limitations of a generalization, is also lacking on may aspects:
1 ok, the asshole in this relationship is not listening. Still, that does NOT authorize her to decide "I might as well not say anything...." and THEN throw that in the other's face in a "you were not listening! It's your fault!" argument. I don't think it's necessary to explain the fallacies of said behaviour.
2 since you seem so misguided, I will enlighten you on the proper behaviour fo the non asshole party: behave like a non asshole and TALK and/or END IT.
3 even if the case you described made sense, THIS movie does not show ANY of such moments (again, you would never know because you keep yapping about movies without having seen them). The great "abusing moments" are something like this: she is taking a shower, he joins in and surprises her, he gets into sex mode and they have sex in the shower. To me and to everybody else in this planet that would look normal.
Of course, being a mind reader, he SHOULD have known that she didn't want to.
Why? Because the movie says so. Certainly, SHE does not say anything on the matter.
We are also not shown of any previous or following moments when she told him no or anything at all, I am such a silly viewer that needs to see this kind of clues to understand what is going on in the story now or some time before, I don't make assumptions based on thin air.

I guess this movie would only appeal to mind readers like you, but the catch is, you are such a mind reader that not only you know what the movie does not show. You also don't need to watch the movie itself, because you can see that too without actually seeing it.


Ah yes, you continue to shout that the real problem in such a relationship is the non-asshole.

That tells us all everything we need to know about you.


Your trolling tells us all everything we need to know about you, asshole.

But at this point it is understandable that you have nothing better to say, being completely ignorant about this movie which you have not watched, these characters which you have not seen, myself which you do not know.


Well, I think my work here is done! You've shown where you stand on the issue of domestic assholery.


You have only shown what puny shitty troll you are, asshole. That is your work on this thread.
I did not think you were one before, but read this thread and judge for yourself, my op + my arguments, vs your mere trolling.

But at this point it is understandable that you have nothing better to say, being completely ignorant about this movie which you have not watched, these characters which you have not seen, myself which you do not know.






Boring troll.


Pot calling the kettle black.


Agan, you are trolling with ZERO to add.
Fuck off.


It wasn't a very good movie, but the guy was clearly an abusive asshole.


How was he CLEARLY an abusive asshole?

I got a tiny vibe of a controlling guy, nothing major, and he seemed to be polite and respectful.
He had his opinions and views, but I didn't see him forcing them on her nor making her to do anything she opposed to.

Did I miss something? What examples in the movie could you remind me of?


He was so respectful when he called her the c word.


OP feels personally attacked by the movie because he IS the boyfriend.


More trolling from you.
I only feel personally attacked by little shits like you trolling my thread.


Stop calling facts "trolling". It's a cowards cop-out.


First you bring a fact, then I will stop.


I been spittin' nuthin but fax, bro.


Ugh...what a waste of time you are...


The lack of self-awareness, lol


Indeed, only you are sad and pathetic, nothing to lol about.


Go on. Keep proving my point.


A new day.
Same sad troll as yesterday.


I just saw the movie and while I don't agree with everything you've said, I can understand your feeling as you do.

They clearly were not right for each other. She was a very insecure young woman who was very insecure in the relationship. He wasn't physically or verbally abusive to her. However, he was definitely controlling, and, as I said, they were not a good mix. She absolutely should have broken up with him but obviously she wasn't emotionally strong enough to do that.

Her two friends came off as extremely jealous IMO rather than as true friends trying to help. It was not inappropriate at all for him to show up after calling her a number of times and not hearing back. Any normal person, male or female, would worry! I think the "intervention" was way over the top because again, he wasn't a monster, it was just that they were not right for each other and she was emotionally fragile. Toward the end, when they got out of the car, he was livid (he had a right to be) but he didn't threaten her friends, one of whom just bashed his car window! They were absolutely unfair to him, it was not handled right.


Finally a decent reply. Thank you.
You stated everything in a balanced and fair fashion.
I tend to be more drastic and abrasive. But I agree 100% with your post.


he was possessive and there was always the threat of violence.


I did not notice any possessiveness, he seemed controlling.

I saw ZERO threat of violence from him, plenty from her "friends".


he would have gotten violent at the end but the two friends were there.


Ok, so you are talking about the famous story that was not on the screen.

Well, I will just stick to what I watched:
he never gets violent
he doesn't even threaten violence
her friends DO get violent against him.
