MovieChat Forums > Jeepers Creepers 3 (2017) Discussion > 14 year wait and they came up with this?

14 year wait and they came up with this?

The director had an absolute mare here with this straight-to-DVD looking mess of a movie. I say it's a 14 year wait but judging by the result it's like the director was made to come up with something on the spot in about a day.

It's hard to know where to start with how bad this was. It had the feel of self-parody at times it was that bad.

You have this Creeper's hand plot going on which is stupid enough, and then characters hold hands with it and it causes them to lift up in the air in pain, while they gain some inside knowledge about the creature (which is never revealed). It's honestly like something out of a Scary Movie movie.

The Creeper goes around looking quite bulky and fresh faced in this one and is wearing this red top which looks so out of place. It's like Sloth out of The Goonies with his Superman top, but imagine that not being played for laughs.

They decided to make the Creeper's vehicle a sort of James Bond car/Saw trap. Pretty much indestructible with nice little random gadgets pulled out of the director's ass, like homing missiles, and a harpoon thing that shoots out the back and travels hundreds of yards through the air. It can also withstand being hit with cannon-sized bullets from huge rapid fire guns on the back of trucks. This together with the Creeper's newly realised javelin skills that means he can throw a spear at a distance of 100 yards and impale 2 bikers at the same time with it against a tree, makes you think what the point of trying to destroy him or his vehicle is, and why he takes his time killing others in the franchise when he can do it at the snap of a finger, in any fashion he pleases.

The film isn't scary at all, and more laughable. The funniest part is when the last biker is fleeing from the scene and somehow jumps on his bike 40 feet in the air over a seemingly flat field, before getting snapped up by some very dodgy CG Creeper. The scariest thing in it is the grandma's face. She was a scary looking actress in the 80's and age and time has made her more scary 30 years on.

When it tries linking in with JC 2 at the end with the boy getting on that fateful bus, 2 things instantly come to mind: 1) The boy isn't at all recognisable from any of the passengers in JC 2, and 2) Why would this boy not speak up about what's happening in that first sequel when they're all wondering what this thing attacking them is, and he's had experience with it?

Just a completely dumb movie in so many ways.


Absolutely agree !!!! ..... Utterly baffling how this effort got the green light to go ahead !

Franchise pretty much ruined with this garbage !!!


Thanks for agreeing, and replying. Sometimes it's hard to know which month you'll get a reply on this site.

Whatever directorial and writing ability Salva had for this franchise, it appears it's deserted him. I mean forget the low budget acting and special effects, the story and writing is just bad. Any sequel should have been done nearer the time, as many directors get worse over time, and by all means I don't want it to seem like the original movies were brilliant. They were passable entertainment, but this was complete rubbish.


Not like the good ole days when IDMB was up and running with there movie chat , and replies / chat was always guaranteed daily to any comments that anyone made about certain movies :(

Agree again , the script / idea for this movie was just bad !

I mean the way the second film ended , it was perfect to continue that story line into a third movie !

It's gonna be very hard now to save this franchise if they ever decide to go with a 4rth instalment !


This is a pretty amusing take. Thanks. Sloth in the superman tee, lol.

JC 1 & 2 were always flirting on being borderline parody. But it never went full ridiculous. Even the more humorous scenes in 2 where the creeper is playing with them on the bus, by licking his lips or whatever (it's been a while since I've seen this), was still done well because the teen actors played the role of genuine fear convincingly.


Thats the one element I never liked about jeepers. The funny parts which one was kept to a minimum. The part I like is the scary part which is what the creeper is all about.


Everything you said is true and more. Pretty much my exact sentiment, nothing more to say. It’s an absolute trashfire, one of the worst movies I’ve ever seen.

Only thing you didn’t mention is that hilariously bad slow-mo scene towards the “climax” where The Creeper is in midair getting shot at. My theater was howling with laughter! How could any filmmaker look at that scene and think “yep, this is ready for the silver screen!”
