No F-Words

Maybe I'm in a minority here but a show like this, is actually refreshing to watch without the endless same one word profanity use like Mayans MC does.

It's like the only word they know in Mayans MC is the F-Word while in SoA they constantly use the cow manure slang, the female dog cursive, the son of a female dog curse, the Son of God's name in vain, the African-American slang, and many other colorful words. It's actually kind of amusing seeing how creative writers had to get by not using the f-word.


I hadnt noticed they wernt using it . Shows you dont need it - in my case anyway



Son of a bitch.


At the time SOA originally aired, F bombs were still verboten on basic cable networks like FX. Since then they've pretty much relaxed that rule, and now it's much more common especially with shows airing after 9pm.


Maybe I would have liked the show back then in 2008, but I tried watching SoA now after seeing a lot of people rave about it in an online group I belong to, and the absence of cursing was actually one of the reasons I couldn't get into it.

I don't buy even for a second that that's how those people would talk in reality, in fact practically all of the dialogue struck me as very unnatural, and precisely the way they write for network TV. After everything I've watched by now, this was very weak, I couldn't force myself to keep watching.


If they were allowed to say the F bomb it would have no doubt been like the sopranos and used frequently. there is a lot of 'Jesus Christ' used per episode so that makes it it's unique thing.

but you know things like "get your foot off my bike' would have been 'get your f'''g foot off my f'''g bike' if it was on HBO in 2008

my issue is yes you can say the N word or P word show someone being castrated show someone head being blown off but hey saying the F word or showing a womans breast is a BIG NO NO in America. here in Australia we are the other way around sex and cursing is not cared about but gun violence is a big no no, bit like real life.
