An All White cast

Is this movie Racist?It hurts my WOKE feelings it looks like David Duke himself directed it...Not even one POC in this.I wanted some Black Vikings like the black Achilles or the Black Ann Boleyn...I hope at least there is some Alphabet representation and empowering female characters that will fight the evil Patriarchy & White Supremacy


Yep, that is why the movie flopped at the box office. Outdated casting. Diversity is the future.


Not like the Blockbuster Hit diversely-cast The Green Knight, huh? An Indian Knight in King Arthur's Court really drew in the masses for that one! Heh.


Please be reminded that this takes place in the Scandanavian region of Europe. There were no non-whites there to begin with. Case closed.


Actually there were. The Vikings raped, pillaged and burned many places in their travels and brought back a lot of slaves from Asia, Europe, Middle East, Northern Africa, Russia. This movie however is about a remote part of Iceland where the brotherless king was exiled and is the leader of a small pack of “farmers.” It is barren and isolated. Christianity hasn’t been adopted so Valhalla reigns. In the beginning of the movie, they did bring back a handful of slaves from the land of Rus to work their farms and I am assuming they are Ukrainian.

Everyone is white but not blond and not tall and actually pretty dirty and unattractive except for some of the leads. Those that want to see an accurately portrayed story in which Hamlet was based upon - this is the movie.


They did say they were sending some slaves to Kiev, remember?


So a movie is cast correctly for the story and period in which it takes place? I think I'll have to go see it now.


Yes, correctly cast. They resemble the Manson clan.




Not a lot of black Vikings
