MovieChat Forums > Justice League Dark: Apokolips War (2020) Discussion > Yet another fantastic animated DC film

Yet another fantastic animated DC film

And yet somehow, they just keep pumping out live action turds?! Makes no sense whatsoever.


Great film, I wish they showed what happened after barry's new flaspoint alt reality at the end just after that bright light, it felt like a cliffhanger without closure, hopefully this will be a story for the next JLA film.


I heard they are "rebooting"/"restarting" the animated movies. Plus they are getting new voice actors and everything. So that's probably why the movie felt like it had a cliffhanger type ending to it. We won't get to see what happens next until they reboot/restart things. I almost feel like everything is on a loop. So we'll get back to Apokolips War but the next one will have a different outcome and a much more successful outcome with less of a body count.

The movie almost reminded me like I was watching Infinity War. It almost feels like we need an "Endgame" to see what happens next, but I think that's coming in when things reboot/restart though. This movie even had a WAY higher body count than Infinity War and Endgame combined. Also throw in how brutal/gory the deaths were. Wasn't expecting Mortal Kombat type deaths for some of the characters. But I got a Thanos finger snap feel at the end of the movie. It's like The Flash is going to trigger on how to undo the finger snap and bring back everyone that died and so they can get an outcome where everyone comes out alive. Something like that.


I didn't know about the rebooting, but yeah an endgame continuity would have been a little more satisfying. Yeah that ripping of arms and legs was 'new/different' to DC-animation.
I just assumed that Barry went back two years, prevented the war and altered the current timeline which ceased to exist, hence the white disintegration light at the end.


The reboot/restart has begun though and is 100% confirmed. The Superman: Man Of Tomorrow animated movie will begin the reboot/restart.


Thank god I created an account here! I didn't even know this movie came out


Oh, it's not complicated. The animated films are specifically made for hard core nerds. The live action movies are made for the every man and anybody. It's speaks volumes about the bias of modern culture still against animation. Lion King okay. Batman, F OFF!
