Victoria Pedretti (Dani)

Haven’t started this yet so no spoilers please but I’d like to know if Pedretti is good in her role? I like the actress.


I didn’t much care for most of the show but she’s talented and did a good job. And she has sexy teeth.


She's great in everything she's in. This show included.

I still prefer her in season 1.



Huh? How is it strange? I wanted to know if she acted well and if people liked her in this series because I like her and am rooting for her. How the hell is that strange?



You people are so lost beyond hope, waking up in the morning looking for something to be offended about.
I cannot even remember the last time I was offended, because being offended is a choice.

Why do you choose to give people such power over you?



No, instead you were offended on Pedretti's behalf, which is even more absurd.

How is his question pointless or bizarre?
Is asking someone if a Restaurant you know they have dined at before is any good bizarre too?

Actors are performers. A performance can be good or bad.
For some reason the OP wants this information - why is that an issue to you?
And why is what you have read or seen a measurement for what is okay/offensive?

And for your interest: I have seen similar topics in the past. Mostly about the project itself and more rarely about specific actors. But it happens and there's nothing wrong with it.



"As stated previously: if you don't see how this question is all those things, that is not my problem."

Your absurd perception of things isn't my problem either.
You're the one claiming that OP was "offensive", go on and tell me about not seeing things...


I agree with you . Some people can't wait to be offended so that they have something to moan about.


She was great.
If you liked her in S01, you will love her in S02.
