MovieChat Forums > Nope (2022) Discussion > Jordan Peele's a one hit wonder

Jordan Peele's a one hit wonder

Nope sucked ass


Some say he is a modern combination of Spielberg and Kubrick.


Lol those are just people who really like watching movies and want to be show-offy about it. In Nope, sure there were some modernized Speilberg elements, but what about in US or Get Out? Not really the case. And just because someone has great cinematography of some symmetry here and there does not make them like a Kubrick. These people saying this need to check themselves.


His best movie for sure. I really enjoyed it. Seems most of the complaints are a matter of taste (as opposed to specific issues).

Get Out was pretty good but Us and his Twilight Zone sucked. This is a positive development.


Went and saw it yesterday with wife and friends. All four of us agreed Peel is a 2 hit wonder.
Both “Get Out” and “Us” had more going for them than just being quality horror movies, you could peel back layers in those movies and make interesting observations after you’d seen them. I like movies like this because they continue to entertain after you’ve seen them.
There was nothing like that in Nope - just a ham-fisted, long winded dud.


It was obviously a very frustrating thing.


Too early in his career to tell. Shouldn't be writing him off yet.

Directors can have ups and downs. Looking at the filmographies of some of the all time great Horror directors and you find many were up and down throughtout their career. Only a handful of directors stand out as having a strong consistency.

If nothing else Nope has strong technical qualities and with Peele's box office success thus far he should be able to command big budgets for a while. All he needs is a stronger concept/screenplay and he'll have an all time great film.


Seems he gets worse and worse (I liked Get Out)


I disagree. He’s getting better with each film.

Get Out was mediocre at best which is why the critics loved it. Well, that and it was about racism.

Us was great.

Nope was fantastic. His best yet.


Shit was bad. Very bad.
