MovieChat Forums > The Irregulars (2021) Discussion > Why does Netflix hate Sherlock Holmes?

Why does Netflix hate Sherlock Holmes?

I grew up reading the Sherlock Holmes stories and I always considered him the greatest literary detective until I discovered the great Hercule Poirot. It's just too bad that most of the Sherlock Holmes stories are in the public domain so anyone can take a dump on him.

I'm concerned that Sherlock Holmes is not portrayed as the greatest detective in both Enola Holmes and the Irregulars. Sherlock Holmes should be the star of these shows but his intellectual might is upstaged by teenagers. Watson was always the assistant to the great detective in the stories but he is a partner in the detective agency in this series. I watched the first ten minutes to get a feel for it but it looks like the street urchins are the real detectives working for the man.


I don't disagree with you. Like many things the is a current urge to tear down traditional heroes and heroines. It is unfortunate.

I will argue with the implication about Watson. He was an assistant, but what is often implied in modern film and adaptations is that he is stupid or foolish. As portrayed in the original stories, Watson was a brilliant man who was out-shone by the far more brilliant Holmes.

In other words, Holmes is the smartest man in the room. If he leaves, Watson is.


Yeah, the "beloved" BBC "Sherlock" made Watson a walking talking idiot. His main purpose was to basically fangirl & be wowed by Sherlock's genius. That's all.

One of the things I liked about the Guy Ritchie Sherlock Holmes films is that Dr Watson was actually written & portrayed as smart person . His Doctor skills were evident & he was pretty good at deduction. Only surpassed by Sherlock of course.


When I saw it was more woke bullshit with a black John Watson it was a no-watch for me. When a character has been fleshed out by a writer then if someone uses that character they need to respect the character not change him to suit some woke agenda. I enjoyed Shaft, but I wouldn't watch it if they made shaft some white or hispanic guy.. is it too much to ask for the woke cunts to stop trying to cram their quota system on to everything they touch?


you'll notice that there is almost no criticism out there based on this. It has all been censored away.


Most media censors everything that goes against the liberal agenda. Hell want to insure you comment gets deleted just throw in the word muslim or islam, doesn't matter how you use it or what your comment is their automatic censors look for certain words and eliminate the comments no matter how valid they might be.


It's nothing personal, it's just the brilliant detective written by Conan Doyle can not be portrayed by a white dude in a woke series. It's like asking a nazi movie to portray a positive jew character.

So it's either making Sherlock useless or making him black or female.


Because he's a straight, white male.


It turns out the irregulars were in some of the original stories so it might be an interesting twist. I actually recently watched Holmes and Watson and mostly enjoyed it. The only problem I had with that film was the somewhat disturbing scene where they knocked out the queen.


Knocked up the queen?!?!?!?! Gadzooks!


They accidentally knocked her unconscious but they thought she was dead. The disturbing part was their efforts to dispose of the body before she suddenly regained consciousness.
