MovieChat Forums > Midnight Mass (2021) Discussion > Wine offered to churchgoers in Roman Cat...

Wine offered to churchgoers in Roman Catholic mass?

Do Catholics drink wine while also receiving the host in the Holy Communion? I thought they were just receiving the host, and that was it.


Yes, Catholics receive the host and wine during Communion. Roman Catholics in the manner as seen on the show and Byzantine Catholics recieve it mixed together.


OK, the Church service in the show is obviously Roman Catholic and they receive both the host and the wine. Is that common?


Not common, the most common is taking just the host.


It’s common in every Roman Catholic mass I have ever attended, and I have been to quite a few in many different locations.

The communion wafer is the body of Christ, and the wine is the blood of Christ. During the Eucharist, it is said that the spirit of God moves into those objects and transmutes them into the actual blood and body of Christ.

This is the part of the communion prayer dealing with the communion wafer, where it comes to symbolize the body:

Take this, all of you, and eat of it, for this is my Body,
which will be given up for you.

And this is the portion for the wine:

Take this, all of you, and drink from it, for this is the chalice of my blood, the blood of the new and eternal covenant, which will be poured out for you and for many for the forgiveness of sins.
Do this in memory of me.

During the pandemic, I have seen some services cut out the sharing of the wine, or they at least give each congregant the option to skip sharing the cup with everyone else. However, prior to that, most Catholics would routinely partake in both the wine and wafer.


It will depend on local tradition. In my diocese (one of the only ones in the country that does not have a priest or seminarian shortage) communion under both species is very, very rare. It is also not common in any of the dioceses immediately surrounding us.

However, there are diocese where it is done most of the time. And there is a traveling event I often attend where we have a muti-denominational service which usually distributes communion under both species.


Every Roman Catholic mass I've been to does both.

But with that said:,the%20Host%20and%20then%20drink%20from%20the%20Chalice.


Still rarer than just the host, right? And still, a person may opt for only one of the two. And yet the show relies on specifically the Communion Wine.


According that article that I looked up, sure.

But again, for me, personally, no. When you asked if Catholics drink wine while also receiving the host in the Holy Communion, the answer yes, every time for the various masses I attended.


Yeah, lots of people only take the host….but I don’t think I had ever been to a service pre-Covid that didn’t have the blood available as well…maybe some in 2020 went without….but back to the normal both where I’m at now.
