SPOILER - selfish that...

...those 2 decided to return to Earth.
It is going to be tough as hell to setup a colony on the new planet, and they just bail cause they feel sorry for themselves. Screw humanity and a chance to be involved in the biggest turning point in civilization in the last 10,000 years.


Their odds of surviving are about the same on earth as with staying on the ship and returning to a new planet.


Not to mention the need of diversifying the gene pool, and sharing the immense amount of work to restart humanity. Yeah, selfish.....


Whatever, those guys did what they felt they needed to do....in this circumstance, that’s all that’s required.


At the very least, why didn't they take the pod down to Augustine's base where they at least would have a chance at survival? Instead they plot a course into a thick radiation cloud--what on earth is that, some sort of suicide drop?
