Her face

Elizabeth Moss is a good actress. She's difficult to watch because of her awful looks.


Like the old saying goes: "She fell out of the ugly tree and hit every branch on the way down."


Frankly, since the filmmakers wanted to go that plain-look route, I would have prefered Shelley Duvall, who nailed it perfectly as the mousy, terrified, but ultimately triumphant heroine (The Shining).


I loved her performance in that. I hope she's doing better since the Dr. Phil interview.


Yeah that nose is only going to get worse.


Wow, this just shows how our world works today. You are aware everyone isn’t beautiful. I could also say that I’m sure many are not fond of your face either but nah I won’t.


Lol. She's not beautiful and it was distracting. My face ain't better. Unlike her, my looks aren't a part of my job.
