Box office predictions

Opening wkend (domestic) - 46m
Domestic total - 91m
Overseas - 179m

Total worldwide - 270m

production budget: 275m (+100m in reshoots due to director being replaced midway shooting due to 'creative differences' with KK)


Come on, man. It's the further adventures of Rey Skywalker.

She's the most powerful Jedi ever, arguably the best pilot, an elite mechanic who came up with some ideas for fixing the Millenium Falcon that even Han Solo didn't know, and is probably elite at a lot of other things we don't even know about.

Star Wars fans got to be dying to find out what happened to her after Episode IX.


I think I'm being generous


thank you im dying to see it I haved loved Star Wars TV particulary Andor but im excited to see Star Wars on the big screen again.




its going to make money people are looking for to seeing Star Wars films agains its going to be success it will be 7 years since the release of the last one its going to be a big opening wont be as big as TFA but it will still be large.


This is going to flop so so hard.


Ikr, I can just *sense* it happening.. the signs are all glaringly there

-The dwindling SW box office (from Ep VII 2b to Ep IX 1b, when Ep IX should've been like SW's Endgame - the conclusion of ALL the trilogies), plus Solo bombing (didn't even break 400m ww) making the remaining 'a SW story' films go to stream..

-Indiana Jones 5 flopping (how can an Indy movie bomb?! The original trilogy and even Crystal Skull did SW box office. If a Harrison Ford Indiana Jones can't bring in the audience htf can a Daisy Ridley SW film!? )

-South Park (panderverse 😄) that ep has completely BURNED Disney SW/KK in the publics mind

-Feminist director saying its gonna be SW for women (SW version of Barbie?)

When audiences are presented with a feminist Rey movie building on the controversial sequel trilogy I think they gonna lol and go see Avengers Secret Wars again


I predict that a lot of chumps will waste their money buying tickets to see a big fat steaming waste of hundreds of millions of dollars that could have funded ten better films.
