Just watched Episode 4

Maybe it's me, maybe my attention was wandering. Other than the big reveal at the end, what the hell of significance happened with Mare? I'm beginning to wonder why this show has such a high rating. And I don't mean the circumstance From E3 of her being off the case.

Maybe it's a knee-jerk reaction to having Kane Winslet, who is a great actress, in a potboiler series. Her weight gain recently has me hoping her career isn't going the way of long-ago actress Shelly Winters, who ate her way out of being filmdom's next new thing.


I still love it - the acting is fantastic - but all the romance bits take me out a bit.

I don't see how Mare can pull in two good-looking guys like the professor and the detective. She's cute enough but seriously has a ton of baggage and is quite a harsh personality.

I honestly don't care about the daughter and her girlfriend issues. It doesn't move the plot unless it (hopefully) somehow ties into the case. Otherwise it's superfluous.

I pray the bad guy doesn't end up being Guy Pierce's character. I mean, that's the only reason I can think of why he'd be in this thing. Right now his character isn't exactly given much to chew on. (SPOILER) I remember when I saw Kiss The Girls and Cary Elwes was playing a bit part as a detective and I'm thinking the whole time "why would Cary Elwes play this character unless he ends up being the bad guy in the end?"


Yeah that would be awful if Pearce’s character were the villain. First of all, cliche! The one outsider being the killer. Also, Pearce is such a likeable character right now. Washed up writer, takes a romantic interest in our protagonist.


Yes it has to be the Guy Pearce character because why else would he be there?/ that is exactly what I was thinking he has to be there for a reason , it will be boring and predictable if it is him and plot connivance


I see this series is getting a lot of attention here so I'll probably check it out.

As for Kate's weight gain, she's always been plump and Rubenesque as far back as her break out role in "Titanic". That was 24 years ago btw, so it's not like she's trying to maintain her status as an "It girl"
