I liked it.

Gaslight meets Rosemary’s baby. 7/10


Yes, it's much better than the ratings. It's well done for this genre. I don't understand why people rate it so low.


Yeah, easily 7/10. I think people are rating it down b/c they are dumber than fuck. Most people nowadays are dumber than fuck ya know? I mean, they are literally taking their 3rd booster shot now for something they have 99% chance of surviving.


Im with ya. Fear and propaganda take over weak minds and spirits.


Yes, it kept me guessing about the goings on. Ilana Glazer did a good job. Haven't seen Gretchen Mol in forever. The script didn't exactly bring anything new to the 'baby horror' genre but the movie was well made and involving.


Just saw it and liked it very much. As I'm watching, I kept wondering why the low ratings and then I saw the ending and I realized why. I think the ending upset a lot of people and ruined it for them. It didn't ruin it for me, but I did feel extremely sorry for Lucy.

All in all it was a very good film.
