MovieChat Forums > Justice League (2017) Discussion > DC Needed 4 More Movies Before Justice L...

DC Needed 4 More Movies Before Justice League

Warner Bros.' big-screen Justice League could have benefited from at least four solo DC movies that would have set up the team-up event.


Well, they had Man of Steel and Wonder Woman and Batman v Superman. The only one missing was the Flash. I guess Aquaman came out later. No one wanted to see a Cyborg movie.


I think if BVS was instead a 'World's Finest' movie that doesn't friggin kill Superman and maybe also release a Flash movie (that was lower budget like Shazam), they could had done alright.


Yeah, they absolutely wasted the death of Superman. I felt nothing when he died.

Also, I say don't even bother with a Flash movie. I think a lot of people were familiar with him thanks to the CW show.

And Cyborg's story was already included in the JL movie (at least Snyder's version)

They definitely needed to do an Aquaman solo before the movie though.


Or just hold off on Aquaman and use someone else like Green Lantern. For better or worse, the Ryan Reynolds movie did introduce audiences to the concept behind GL.


The studio obviously aren't averse to the idea of Green Lantern in itself. John Stewart was a major part of the DCAU JL/JLU shows, Hal Jordan featured in his own animated series, there have been three animated Green Lantern movies (four if you count Justice League vs the Fatal Five, which is really a Jessica Cruz story), the 2011 live-action movie, appearances in various JL animated movies, and the upcoming HBO live-action series (which is now going to focus on John Stewart - obviously why they made him the central character of the recent Beware My Power movie). They seem determined to keep the idea out there.


I absolutely love the GL Corps. Would've loved to see a film on them.

I mean we got a freaking Harley Quinn solo film masquerading as a Birds of Prey movie.

In my opinion, you could do an entire cinematic universe around the GL Corps. They're that vast & interesting.


Yes, I've often seen the GL Corps likened to Star Wars in terms of scope and potential world-building.


I feel like the Ryan Reynolds movie did a lot of damage to the Green Lantern name.

Unpopular opinion, that movie isn't THAT bad. It's not great but it ain't "hot garbage" either. It's just mediocre.

In my opinion, There are much worse big budget comicbook films out there.


I agree. I saw it in the cinema with my son and we both enjoyed it. Not great, as you say, but okay.


And as regards Harley, I'm surprised she hasn't actually had a solo animated movie yet. I know she's got the TV show, but I would have thought they'd have given her her own animated feature. Closest she's got to headlining her own was the Batman and Harley Quinn movie a few years back.


Not her biggest fan. I don't hate her, I just never got swept up in the Harley hype.

Buuuuut, the animated show is absolutely amazing. Had no expectations for it & it just blew me away.

The writing & voice acting are just fantastic. Everyone involved with the show has done a wonderful job

I haven't seen the latest season yet but it's legit one of my favorite comicbook shows

Props to the show for actually making me like & care about Harley Quinn for once


Buuuuut, the animated show is absolutely amazing. Had no expectations for it & it just blew me away.

The writing & voice acting are just fantastic. Everyone involved with the show has done a wonderful job

I haven't seen the latest season yet but it's legit one of my favorite comicbook shows

This 👍👍👍


Yeah the show is actually pretty good and I thought the trailers sucked.

